PharmAssistant has developed a SmartBottle for pills, a connected device that has a built-in visual and audible alarm when it’s time for the user to take medication. An included app can even analyze medication patterns and detect any possible adverse interactions between the medicines in the unit. The company also offers an optional monitoring service so a family member or healthcare professional will be able to remotely monitor if the user is taking his or her medication on time and according to the doctor’s prescription. Last September 2014, PharmAssistant was awarded a €50,000 grant from major pharmaceutical company Bayer.
MagniFinance offers a financial management platform for small and medium-sized businesses that makes day-to-day management lighter and financial planning more precise. The service helps companies reduce the time managing their finances to just five minutes a day. In addition to the time savings, this system also automatically synchronizes different bank accounts, allowing businesses to issue invoices, check lists of suppliers, and track expenses and revenues while predicting future values. In 2014, MagniFinance was one of the finalists of the International Acceleration Program Lisbon Challenge and won the Caixa Entrepreneurship Award, receiving an investment of €100,000 from Caixa Capital.
MagniFinanceは、中小企業に対して、日々の管理を軽くし、財務計画をより正確なものとする財務管理プラットフォームを提供する。このサービスは、財務管理に費やす時間をわずか1日5分に短縮してくれる。この時間節約に加え、このシステムは異なる銀行口座を自動的に同期することで、請求書やサプライヤーの小切手リストの発行だけでなく、支出や収益の追跡管理と将来価値の予想まで可能にする。2014年に、MagniFinanceは、International Acceleration Program Lisbon Challengeのファイナリストに選出され、Caixa Entrepreneurship賞を受賞し、Caixa Capitalから100,000 ユーロの投資を受けた。
Popcorn Metrics spent a year developing a platform that integrates web analytics tools without having to write a line of code. Up until now, managers and marketers who wanted to better understand the behavior of users on their sites had to either work with code themselves or have an IT person do it for them. Cofounder Paul Boyce is an Irish national who left a career in IT to create his own company. He fell in love with Portugal while on holiday and chose to set up his new business in Lisbon. He met partner Luís Correia at a startup event and together they developed Popcorn Metrics.
Popcorn Metricsは、コードラインを書かずにウェブ分析ツールを一体化できるプラットフォームの開発に一年を費やした。今まで、自社サイトにおけるユーザの行動をより深く理解したかった管理者やマーケターは、自分たちでコードに取り組むか、ITスタッフに頼むしか方法がなかった。共同設立者のPaul Boyce氏は、アイルランド人で、IT業界を去ってから自分の会社を設立した。彼は、休日にポルトガルに魅了され、Lisbonで事業を立ち上げることを決意した。彼は、スタートアップイベントでパートナーであるLuís Correia氏に出会い、ともにPopcorn Metricsを開発したのである。
The past three years have been an incredibly exciting time for Portugal’s startup scene. I believe this is a trend that will continue.Pedro Rocha Vieir is cofounder, president, and CEO of Beta-i, a non-profit focused on promoting entrepreneurship in Portugal.
過去3年間は、ポルトガルのスタートアップシーンにおいて非常にエキサイティングであった。私はこの傾向は継続すると考えている。Pedro Rocha Vieir氏は、ポルトガルの企業家を支援することに注力する非営利団体であるをBeta-i の共同設立者であり、社長兼CEOである。
Meet Mapstr, an app for bookmarking all your favorite placesWith Apple investing more in its mapping technology, Google continuing to enhance its map-based apps, and Nokia attracting major companies with the proposition of acquiring Here, it’s clear that digital maps play a key part in our digital lives.With that in mind, Mapstr is looking to capitalize on the existing utility of maps by making them even more useful. The French startup officially launches its iPhone app this week, after a few months as a public beta product. It offers an easy way to bookmark all your favorite places around the world, from parks and museums to relatives’ houses and pubs.
It’s worth noting here that Google Maps already has a built-in bookmarking feature that lets you save places to your Google account. But Mapstr has been built specifically for this purpose, and brings new features to the mix.You can search for places based on your current location, search by name or address, navigate to a specific point on a map, or even snap a photo of an address — Mapstr uses optical character recognition (OCR) to identify the address and let you save it.Moreover, Mapstr is all about organization. When you save a place to your account, you can add tags such as “parks” or “bars,” and even add comments — this could be useful to remind you why you saved a place.
すでにGoogle Mapsには、自分のGoogleアカウントに場所を保存することのできる内蔵ブックマーク機能があるのだから、それはここでは全く価値がない。しかし、Mapstrは、とりわけこの目的のために、製造され、ミックスに新しい機能をもたらした。Mapstrは、あなたの現地位置に基づき、名称や住所から場所を検索することができ、地図上の特定の場所へと案内してくれ、さらにはある住所のスナップ写真まで撮ることができる。Mapstrは、住所を特定し、保存するために光学式文字認識(OCR)を使用している。さらに、Mapstrはつまりは組織である。ある場所を自分のアカウントに保存する際に、「公園」や「バー」といったタグを追加することができ、コメントまで付すことができるのだ。この機能は、その場所をなぜ保存したのか後で思い出す時に便利である。
One of Mapstr’s key selling points is that it isn’t bloated with features — it doesn’t try to be a social network, though, with the latest version to hit the App Store, there is a social element to it. You can share your favorite places with friends, which is a genuinely useful feature.Also, there’s a danger with apps such as this that they try to second-guess places you might like. Mapstr doesn’t try to be a recommendation engine — it’s all about letting you remember those little places that you loved at the time, though you could easily forget where they are or why you liked them.
Mapstrの重要なセールスポイントの一つは、機能が多すぎない点である。ソーシャルネットワークになろうとしてるわけではないが、App Storeでヒットの最新のバージョンを兼ね備え、ソーシャル面も持ち合わせている。例えば、好きな場所を、友人とシェアできるという、実に便利な機能をもっている。また、アプリには、利用者が好きかもしれない場所を推測しようとする危険な機能もあることがあるが、Mapstrはそのようなおすすめエンジンになろうとはしない。Mapstrは、利用者がどこにあるのかや、なぜ好きなのか簡単に忘れてしまうような、大好きなたくさんの場所を覚えておくためだけのアプリである。
Based out of Paris, with three employes working behind the scenes, Mapstr is close to finalizing a pre-seed round with 10 angel investors on board. Having investors in the mix, however, will obviously expedite the need to start monetizing — so how can an app such as this make cash without ruining the experience with ads or “promoted” places?The most obvious route would be to go freemium — charge for add-on “premium” features. And we’re told that this is the most likely option for the startup when it decides to start making money. A version for Android and the Web is also currently in the works, and should launch later this year.
Mapstr isn’t the first company to create such an app — Pin Drop launched in the U.S. App Store last year, and it was a very similar proposition. But that was shuttered due to lack of funding, and had a U.K.-based team hired by the mighty Apple. Then there’s Citymaps, which offers similar functionality, but has a slew of extra features that make it more of a social network.By focusing purely on bookmarking, Mapstr could find some fans.
このようなアプリを最初に制作した会社はMapstrではない。Pin Dropが昨年米国のApp Storeで発売され、Mapstrと非常に似た計画であった。しかし、Pin Dropは、資金不足で会社を閉鎖し、その英国チームが巨大なApple社により雇われた。それから、同様の機能を提供するCitymapsもあるが、これは他にもたくさんの機能を持ち合わせているため、もっとソーシャルネットワーク寄りである。ブックマーク機能のみに焦点を当てているMapstrはきっとファンができるだろう。
The phone is also covered with a nanoparticle material inside and out, so it’s waterproof. When the phone is submerged, water enters the ports on the sides of the phone and covers the circuitboard inside. But even the board is covered with the nanoparticle treatment, so water molecules bounce off.Another innovation is a side-mounted fingerprint reader. My thumb fit over the side sensor far more naturally and ergonomically than it does over the front-bottom mounted sensor on my iPhone.The Turing phone does not use a standard USB port for power, as most other Android phones do. Instead it uses a 9-pin MagSafe power adapter.
電話は表も裏もナノ粒子で覆われているため、防水効果がある。電話が水中に落ちた際、水は電話の側面にある入口から入り込み、中にある配電盤に流れてしまう。しかし、配電盤までもがナノ粒子で覆われているため、水の分子が跳ね返されてしまうのだ。別の発明は、側面に取り付けられている指紋認証機能である。親指を側面にあるセンサーに置くと、iPhoneに取り付けられている表面の下部にあるセンサーの場合よりも、さらに自然にかつ人間工学に適したようにフィットする。Turing電話の充電には、他の多くのアンドロイド電話のような通常のUSBポートを使わず、9-pin MagSafe電力アダプタを使う。
(デザイン上、美しく見える様、なるべく薄い物でお願いします。) ブラックの塗装色が、天板部分につかないよう、アイアン部分を塗装後、天板の取り付けをお願い致します。 完成時、天板がぐらつかないような構造でお願いします。 ※前回オーダー分RAC-4150(270002)につきましては、組み立て時ぐらつきがひどく、お客様から、多くのクレームをいただいております。
(For the design purpose, please use the material as thin as possible so that it looks beautiful.)Please attach the table top after painting the iron parts so that the table top doesn't get the black paint on it.At the completion, please use the structure and make sure the table top does not move.*With respect to the previous order RAC-4150 (270002), we've received many complaints that when customers were assembling the product, it was very unstable.
生放送中はユーザーからのメッセージもリアルタイムに届きます!是非ご覧ください!!そして!7月19日(日)~7月20日(月)の2日間、倖田來未LINE公式アカウントのON-AIR機能を使って、あなたの恋のお悩みを募集します♪この時間内は、みなさんのメッセージを倖田來未が受信!倖田來未のLINE公式アカウントと友だちになって、「SUMMER of LOVE」のテーマでもある“夏は、恋の話をしたくなる”にちなんで、あなたの恋のお悩みを送って下さいね!
During the live broadcasting, messages from users will be received in real time too!Please watch!Also!On July 19 and 20, we want hear your love trouble stories by using the ON-AIR service on Kumi Koda's LINE official account♪During this time period, Kumi Koda will receive your messages!Please add Kumi Koda's LINE official account as your friend. As it is said in the "SUMMER of LOVE" that "want to talk about love in summer", please send your love trouble story to us!
お返事ありがとう。日本で販売権利を持っているのは、どこのショップですか?多くの顧客から問い合わせをもらうのですが、知りません。もし新規アカウントを開くことがありましたら、私にご連絡を頂けますか? とてもとても楽しみに待っていますので。連絡を下さって感謝しています。
Thank you very much for the reply. Which shop has the sales rights in Japan? I have no idea although I receive many inquiries from my clients. Please let me know if you will open up a new account. I look forward to it very much. Again, thank you for contacting me.
I think although we may have a chance (not so often though) to experience of cooking Western confectionery, we rarely have a chance to make Japanese traditional confectionery. I wanted to experience something interesting, and that is why I made a reservation here.The place was a little bit far from the downtown of Arashiyama, but it definitely was amazing Japanese traditional confectionery store.On the day of my reservation, there were also Taiwanese university students who visited Japan for school trip, and there were about 20 people.I was wondering how the confectionery maker would teach them as they did not know Japanese. The confectionery maker came near me and taught me how to make Japanese confectionery. Everyone was very excited and seemed to be having fun. As for myself,
I am a clumsy person, but I was able to make a relatively satisfying Japanese confectionery.I made three fresh confectionery (hydrangea, fringed pink, and tsuyunosato (name of confectionery)) and Kizato (confectionery that looks like a clipping).Wagashi is very delicate, but since the confectionery maker taught us one by one, person like me could make one. Using a spatula and clothes is also an interesting experience. Furthermore, making method also differs a little for each type of confectionery, which was fun. After making, you can taste the confectionery you made with green tea at the store. The confectionery you made and green tea. You can also bring back some other confectionery too.
If you import products into the EU from outside of the EU, the import VAT will be due for your Company if the Company acts as an importer of record. For this purpose, you will also need an EORI number that is a unique number used for communication with the Customs Authorities in the EU. Please find attached a fee quote for our assistance during VAT and EORI registration and for our VAT compliance services in the UK. Should you prefer to discuss the above and/or our fee quote via phone, please provide me with your phone number and your availability and I will call you.
これは,昨年,京都が日本の都市として初の1位に選ばれて以降も,本市,(公社)京都市観光協会及び(公財)京都文化交流コンベンションビューローにおい て,市民・事業者の皆様と協力して取り組んできたプロモーションと,市民の皆様の御理解・御協力の下,本市が取り組む京都らしい景観の保全・創出や受入環 境整備等,あらゆる施策が総合的に結実したものと考えられます。 本市では,引き続き,観光都市としての質の向上を図り,世界における「KYOTO」ブランドの確立を目指します。
This is considered to be a fruit obtained by our implementation of various policies including promotion that we've worked on in cooperation with citizens and business operators, in our city, (public corporation) the Kyoto City Tourism Association, (public foundation) preservation and creation of traditional Kyoto scenery that we currently engage in under the understanding and cooperation by all of citizens, and development of acceptance environment etc. even after Kyoto was selected as the No.1 city in Japan last year.In Kyoto, we continue to aim for improved quality as a tourist city and establishment of "KYOTO" brand in the world.
Tips On Starting Up In Shenzhen From HAX General Partner Benjamin JoffeThis post is part of our series Say Hello To China’s Expat-preneurs, where we will talk to a mix of foreign founders and tech veterans who have tackled China’s growing tech space and won. Stay tuned over the coming three weeks as we talk to foreign founders from Beijing to Shenzhen about what it takes to thrive in China. You can follow our updates at @technodechina, or check back here for new stories in the series.
HAX ジェネラル・パートナーのBenjamin Joffe氏が提案する深圳市でのスタートアップするためのポイントこのポストはSay Hello To China's Expat-preneursシリーズの一部であり、このシリーズでは中国の成長する技術スペースに取り組み、成功した様々な外国人企業家や技術ベテランを私達がインタビューする。来る3週間は、中国で成功するために必要なことについて北京から深圳までの外国人企業家にインタビューをするので、お見逃しなく。私たちの更新は@technodechinaでフォローでき、又は、ここにまた戻ってきてシリーズに新しいストーリーが追加されたか確認することもできる。
According to recent Cisco studies, IoE (Internet of Everything) value will reach $19 trillion over the next decade. “Everything is getting connected and I thought it’s a huge opportunity, ” Joffe says. Being an expat-preneur himself, he is not only general partner at HAX, but also an angel investor and founder of +8* (Plus Eight Star) and is optimistic about the potential of local innovation. “I am always surprised by the new electronic gadget me or my friends discover in the Huaqiangbei markets or on Taobao. Quality and creativity are definitely up!“
最近のCiscoの研究によると、IoE(Internet of Everything)の価値は、10年後には19兆米ドルに達するだろう。Joffe氏は「すべての物が繋がっており、私はこれは非常に大きなチャンスだと思いました。」と述べた。彼自身が技術企業家であり、HAXのジェネラル・パートナーであるだけでなく、さらにはエンジェル投資家であり、かつ+8*(Plus Eight Star)の創設者でもある、Joffe氏は、現地開発の可能性について楽観的である。「いつ私や私の友達がHuaqiangbei市場やTaobaoで発見する新しい電子機器にいつも驚かされています。品質や創造性は確実に向上しています。」とJoffe氏は述べた。
Still, other foreign founders are hesitant to move the innovation process closer to China at this point. “For many, China is a mysterious black box and they cut corners in making deals, trying to go too fast,” Joffe points out. “Understanding where your IP is important, since it helps mitigate risks, as well as doing proper due diligence on partners.”