国内外から“QUEEN OF LIVE”と高い評価を得ている倖田來未の圧巻のライブパフォーマンスと彼女のライブへ向ける真摯な姿勢、ファンへの想い、情熱を感じ取ることのできる秀逸のライブ映像は絶対に見逃せない! 収録内容ライブで披露した全32曲(予定)に加え、リハーサルの裏側から全国に密着したドキュメンタリー映像も収録!そして、特典映像には、日替わりで行われたサプライズソングを収録!
KUMI KODA is evaluated highly as the "QUEEN OF LIVE" domestically and internationally. You will witness her overwhelming live performance as well as her sincerity as a professional towards her live performance, her feeling towards her fans and her passion. You cannot miss this unforgetable live performance ever!ContentsThe 32 songs (as per current plan) and also a documentary of behind the scene rehearsals recorded in various stage during her nation wide tour!Also, as a prestigious addition, the various surprise songs that she sung as the song of today in each cities.
サプライズでお客様をステージに招待し、招待状に書かれた5曲の中から倖田來未へ好きな楽曲をオーダーできるというスペシャルプレゼントが行われた今回のツアー。招待状に書かれた5曲は一体どの曲だったのか!?それはこの作品を見てからのお楽しみ♥ 倖田來未オフィシャルファンクラブ共通特典【倖田組オフィシャルショップ】【倖田來未グローバルファンクラブ “KODA GUMI” OFFICIAL SHOP】
She invited some guests from the audience to her stage during her tour. This guest, he or she could choose one song that the guest liked the most for her to sing from the five listed songs. This tour had this wonderful special program also.So what was the five songs in the list. That is for you to find out by seeing this DVD.KUMI KODA special fan club common special priviledgeTje Team of KODA special shopKODA global fan club "KODA GUMI" or the Team of KODA OFFICIAL SHOP
今年3月にリリースし、オリコンウィークリーランキング1位を獲得したオリジナルアルバム「WALK OF MY LIFE」を引っ提げ、“自分らしく生きる”ことをテーマに、15周年イヤーを迎えた彼女がこれまで歩んできた生き様をかけて挑んだ渾身のエンターテインメントライブショー『Koda Kumi 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015 ~WALK OF MY LIFE~』。
The "KUMI KODA 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015: WALK OF MY LIFE", the entertainment live show that features her original album released this March that also earned the No. 1 position in the ORICON weekly ranking. KUMI KODA is also devoting her professional career as one of the top female singer in Japan that is having 15th anniversary this year and also her life living as her theme of "live like yourself" to this live show.
DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 "FEVER" in 浜松公演&名古屋公演終了 そして…DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 "FEVER"浜松公演名古屋公演終了しました両公演ともかなりの盛り上がりで皆さんと熱くFEVERできたんではないでしょうか
DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 "FEVER" in Hamamatsu and in Nagoya Successfully Completed ... What's Next?DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 "FEVER" Hamamatsu Stage and Nagoya Stage successfully completed. Both stages had such excitements and we could fever very much.
We have good collaboration relationship with Mr. Kurosawa for long time as he wrote a debut solo song for me or invited him to Mr. Kurosawa's live stages. This time we both are having 10th anniversary coincidentally so Mr. Kurosawa kindly invited me to sing together. I was extremely glad.The chorus during the intervals of Mr. Kurosawa's song was the one used in my debut song. This song has a lot of spice here and there and should be very enjoyable for anyone. So please don't miss it.
Not only your cheers during my perfomance but also the positive feedbacks I got from the back stage program called "Meet & Greet & Cheers" durin this tour gave me a lot of power from you every one.Thank you very much.Now, the next state will be in Sendai.I am thrilled to make another fever with you.See you at the next stage.
今回の注文分はFedEx International Economyで発送手配をお願します。私の日本の住所宛てへ直送です。もちろんですが送料、関税、保険料等は私が負担します。発送の際は、下記のFedExアカウントNo,を発送伝票に必ず記載して下さい。以下6商品についていつくかの質問があります。現在の在庫量を知りたいです。来年1月の予想在庫量。来年1年間は安定して在庫があると思いますか?弊社と日本総代理店契約をする場合御社が考える希望の年間最低発注量(発注金額)が知りたいです。
Please use FedEx International Economy for shipping my order.Please send it directly to my address in Japan.Of course I will pya for the shipping, duty tax, insurance etc.Please make sure to write the FedEx account No. below to your shipping document.I have questions about the 6 items below.I would like to know the current amount of your stock.Also estimated stock amount in next January.Do you expect that you will have stable stocks through out the next year? If we are to conclude the sole agency agreement with between us, we would appreciate to know your minimum ordering quantity and its sales amount during one year.
Hello, Sorry for my late submission of the documents. Also, thank you for indicating names of documents in Japanese. Please review my submitted documents.
Jean-Baptiste MARTIN 様アマゾンのフランスで販売をさせていただいております、株式会社SUNONE(SUNONE euro)の代表取締役 川村と申します。先日、御社の製品(Chroma KTB3 Kasumi 7-3/4-Inch Titanium-Coated Carving Knife, Blue (japan import))をEEAでの知的財産権を侵害していましたことを知らずに出品しておりました。ご迷惑をお掛けしましたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。
Dear Mr. Jean-Baptiste MARTIN、I am Kawamura, President of SUNONE euro. We are selling products through Amazon France.Without know infringement to your intellectual property as per EEA, we are putting your product Chroma KTB3 Kasumi 7-3/4-Inch Titanium-Coated Carving Knife, Blue (Japan import) to Amazon.We deeply apologize our conduct.
弊社では今後もアマゾンにおいて、日本の商品を販売させていただきたいと思っています。今回のご通知によりアマゾンフランスからアカウントの一時停止を余儀なくされております。誠に勝手なお願いではありますが、御社様よりご理解を頂いた胸のご返事をいただけましたらありがたいです。今後、このようなことが無いように十分に気を付けて出品・販売を行っていきますので、ご理解よろしくお願いいたします。株式会社SUNONE(SUNONE euro)
We would like to continue selling Japanese products at Amazon.However, our account at Amazon France was forced to be on hold due to the notice this time.I am writing to ask you if it is possible for you to reply to me stating that you understand the situation and that this matter has been settled already between us. This may seem one-sided request to you but we assure you that this will not happen again in our putting our products for sales in Amazon France.I would greatly appreciate your understanding on my inquiry.Yous sincerely,XXX KawamuraPresidnetSUNONE euro
こんにちはアイテムはお客様の、受け取り拒否との事で返送されてきました。再送をお望みでしたら送料10ドルの負担をお願いしますとりあえずペイパルで請求書お送ります。もしも、再送不要との事でしたら送料10ドルとイーベイの手数料5ドルを合わせた15ドル差し引いた金額を返金いたします。よろしくお願いしますこんにちは 予約商品のお買い上げありがとうございます。10月31日発送予定です。発送後、追跡番号をお知らせします。よろしくお願いします
Hello,Your purchased item was returned to us as it seems you had refused to receive.If you wish them to be sent to you once again, please bear delivery fee of $10.We will invoice you via PayPal for the moment.If you do not need to receive this again, we will refund your payment deducting $15 that consist of the shipping cost $10 and our handling fee $5.We look forward to hearing from you.Hello,Thank you for your purchasing our product that you made reservation for.We are planning to ship this on October 31.Once it is shipped, we will inform you its tracking number.Thank you again for your business with us.
If you have tracking number you can identify whereabouts of your goods.You need $4 more for the registered mail. Of that I will pay $1 .So please pay only $3.If you agree, please reply.I will send you an additional invoiceOf course the goods will reach you without the tracking number.If you do not need the tracking number please do not reply to this email.Thank you for your consideration.
As written in the product description, we are shipping our goods without tracking number.The reason for this is that there are customers who says "I don't need tracking number and please make the price cheaper as much as possible"So, we are selling our goods cheaper price and making our customers happy.However, sometimes the arrival of goods delay.If your goods were delayed, can you patiently wait for it to arrive?If you do not wish to wait, then we recommend to add register mail.
非常にコストがかかるようですので、御社中国パートナーとの連携を検討したいと思います。また、私は英語、中国語ともに話すことができないため翻訳者を雇ってこの文章を書いています。ですので、ご不便をかけるかもしれませのでご了承ください。書類などありがとうございます。Pete Shireyさんの件も承知しました。
As it seems that the cost is very high, I would like to consider working with your partner in China. I am not good at English or Chinese and I am using translators to write the sentences here. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience caused by this.Thank you for sending the documents.I understand about the role of Mr. Pete Shirey.
We can direct ship to you however I am willing to bet that it will be very cost inhibitive. It could work out that the shipping would be between 10%-15% of the cost of the order. This is why I suggested working with one our partners in China. Attached is the application and other documents that will be needed in order to set up your account. I have also attached the order form which will list all of the products available to you for purchase. Pete Shirey is our person who will help you with your ordering. I have CC’ed him here for your convenience.
あなた宛てに出荷することは可能です。しかしそのコストは障害となる程高額です。恐らくご注文に対してお支払いになる全額の10%から15%程となるでしょう。この理由から、我々の中国のパートナーとご相談されることをお勧めしました。添付は、あなたのアカウントを開設するための申請用紙とその他関連書類です。またご現在購入頂ける製品全てを一覧にしたオーダー・フォームも添付します。Pete Shireyが、ご注文についてお手伝致すます。当メールを彼にもCC致しました。
Details of the function is as below.Rated: power supply/alternating current 100V50-60Hs, power consumption/458W (main body:414W, toilet seat:47W)Heating toilet seat: standard surface temperature/"switched off": room temperature, choices of 3 modes "low" about 29℃/"medium" about 33℃/"high" about 37℃, safety mechanism/thermal fuseWashing equipment: maximum flow/anal washing: 1.0L/minute, biget washing: 0.8L/min., water flow adjustments/3 modes, standard water temperature/"switched off": water temperature, choices of 3 modes "low" about 37℃/"medium" about 38.5℃/"high" about 40℃, hot water storage: about 0.85L, safety mechanism/thermal fuse, overtemperature control device,
未開封品に限り返品可能、保証は日本国内のみの提供です脱臭機能:有便ふたオート開閉:無リモコン:無保温性能アップ&人がいない時の無駄をカット 貯湯式で省エネトップクラスステンレスノズル搭載! 清潔・お掃除ラクラクほとんどの便器に装着可能 「グローバルフォルム」採用清潔:便座SIAA抗菌、ステンレスノズル、ノズル滝洗浄、ワンタッチ着脱洗浄:ステンレスノズル、洗浄方式/スパイラル洗浄給水方式:水道直結給水式その他の安全装置:漏電検知機能・着座センサー・逆流防止装置
Return goods accepted only when it has not been openedProduct warranty applicable only in JapanDeodorizing function: availableToilet cover automatic opening and closing function: not available (n.a.)Remote control: n.a.Temperature maintainability and energy saving function when not used: the best in the class among those with hot water storing fuctionStainless nozzle used: very clean and easy to wash"Global Form" is used and it is attachable to almost all of toilet bowls Very clean: anti-fungal SIAA toilet seat, stainless nozzle, nozzle stream washing, once touch attachable/detachable form usedWashing: stainless nozzle, washing method: spiral washingMethod of water supply: directly connected to tap water supplier Other safety measures: electric leakage sensor, toilet seat weight sensor, reflux prevetion mechanism
Dear peggy,返金があったと銀行から連絡がありましたしかし、返金額が26.88ドル不足していますすぐ、不足分を払ってください私は、返金の連絡が遅かったのでクレジットカード会社に相談したら購入、返品の手続きなどが確認できたのであなたのお店に意義を申し立てるとのこと日本の銀行と提携してるvisaカードであなたのお店から今後、買い物ができなくなります早く対処してくださいよろしく
Dear Peggy,My bank informed me that they received the refund.However, its amount is $26.88 short of what it should be.Please pay this additional amount immediately.Since your refund took so long time to reach me, I spoke with my credit card company .They told me that they will file a complaint to you as they could confirm your returning the item.I will be no longer able to purchase from your shop by using my visa card that is linked to the bank in Japan.Please send me the money as soon as possible.Thanks.
Please keep 8 units of the same product as an extra stock separately those purchased last week.If the next production schedule is too far away, I need to replace to another new product. Could you let me know if you have stock of the current product. Is the stock situation of the current product the same situation as the product that you let me know the other day?These products that are indicated as "already shipped" in your web page has not arrived here for 2 consecutive weeks. Is it that your shipping team forgot to ship them or will it arrive here together at once?
Thank you for contacting me.The documents she has that can identify her are two kinds; a drivers license issued by Japanese governmental authorities and a health insurance certificate issued by Japanese government.