kirschbluete 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語
kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Nowadays, Aboriginal art is also getting more and more famous.
People everywhere want to buy it and prices are sometimes very high.
One piece of Aboriginal art can now cost tens of thousands of Australian dollars.
Unfortunately, there's now a problem with the original rock paintings.
Many of them are losing their color due to time and bad weather.
Insects and reptiles also walk over the paintings and make them lose their color.
There are all these agents of deterioration acting on the art. We can only slow that down.
Fortunately, there's a lot of rock art in Australia, and they're finding more all the time.
Many Aboriginal people are trying to keep in contact with their history in modern times.



kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

ZippoReel V is a very well made mock up of a miniature reel to reel recorder inside a real Zippo lighter. The original Zippo slim lighter was machined and milled out, insides replaced with a made up circuit board. The reels were quality machined from aluminum stock and loaded with Nagra Sn tape as shown in the pictures. Both reels with tape turn freely by your thumb at the bottom.
One extra brass reel of special long play tape is included and shown in one of the pictures. That's a joke but it's included. Don't like the outside lighter case design? Just slide the recorder out of the slim Zippo lighter case and slide it into any other slim Zippo case of your choice. As long as it's a Slim Zippo it will fit.


ZippoReel Vは、本物のジッポーライターの内部のレコーダーを巻きとる小型リールで非常によく作られたミニチュア・リールです。オリジナルジッポー・スリム・ライターは、回路基板で構成されたものと内部は入れ替えられました。リールは、アルミニウムストックから機械加工され、写真のようにNagraのSNテープを積んだものでした。テープを装備した2つのリールは、底面であなたの親指で自由に回転します。特別な長時間再生用テープの1つ追加の真ちゅうリールは、写真の1つに含まれ表示されます。それは冗談ですが、しかし含まれています。外部のライターケースのデザインは、お好きではありませんか?スリム・ジッポー・ライターのケースからレコーダーをただ滑らせ、お好みの他のスリム・ジッポー・ライターにそれを滑り込ませます。スリム・ジッポーであれば、適合します。

kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語

We’ve recently told you about Nevada-based web services company FC2, which offers what could be the top blogging service in Japan [1], as well as a popular video service which just branched out to Indonesia.

But the company has its eyes set on other big markets as well, a company representative tells us. Its LiveChat service (at is being released in multiple languages, including Indonesian, Korean, and Traditional Chinese. We’re told a China release is being contemplated as well. Like FC2’s video service, FC2 Live Chat also has a prominently featured adult section, which might prove controversial in some regional markets in Asia, particularly Indonesia and China.


私達はネバダのウェブサービス会社FC2のことを最近あなたにお伝えしたが、それは日本 [1]で一番のブログサービスを提供でき、ちょっとインドネシアに手を広げている人気のビデオサービス同様だ。


kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語

We may enter new international markets where we have limited or no experience in marketing, selling, and deploying our products. For example, we continue to evaluate entering China. However, this market has substantial legal and regulatory complexities that have prevented our entry into China to date. If we fail to deploy or manage our operations in international markets successfully, our business may suffer.

The company adds that it is unsure if it can find any solution for “managing content and information” that can work for Facebook and the Chinese government. But it’s promising to hear that Zuckerberg and company are still actively looking for a way in.





kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語

During the conference, Mr. Ma put forward 8 choices of Tencent’s open strategy, to put it short, the Shenzhen-based company will “try to come up with solutions rather than back off in exploring the open cause”, “across the board open”, “zero tolerance when user benefits are under threat”, “making gaming rules together with partners”, “revenue will go towards partners first”, “innovation always comes first” and so forth.

Meanwhile, Ma announced to double its “Tencent Collaboration Fund” to RMB 10 billion (US$ 1.5 billion). Tencent generates RMB 20 billion (US$ 3 billion) in revenue in a year, Ma said, and the company was hoping to recreate a new Tencent by helping its partners earning exact the same sum.




kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語

Akio Toyoda: Toyota's comeback kid
FORTUNE -- When the final tally was made for 2011, Toyota Motor (TM), formerly the world's largest automaker, slipped to third place in production behind General Motors (GM) and Volkswagen. It's not surprising: Toyota has endured a string of calamities over the past three years -- natural and man-made -- that would make even the company's famous paranoia seem like sunny optimism. The latest is endaka, the strong yen that causes everything that Toyota manufactures in Japan to be more expensive and undermines its profitability. A November issue of Automotive News predicted "more misery" for Toyota as "sales slip, floods delay, shoppers stray."


とよだ あきこ:幼児期時代
運命 -- 以前は、世界最大の自動車メーカー、ゼネラル・モーターズ(GM)とフォルクスワーゲンの陰で生産3位に転落、最終的に201年、トヨタ自動車(TM)。驚くに相当しないこと:トヨタは過去3年に渡り、一連の苦境に耐えた-- 自然災害や人災 -- 会社の有名な被害妄想さえ明るく楽観的に見える。最新は円高、円が強くなり、日本でのトヨタ生産による全てがいっそう高額になりその利益性をもむしばむ原因を引き起こした。自動車ニュース(Automotive News)の11月号は、トヨタ「販売の悪化、遅延の大量発生、購入者の逸脱」として「さらなる窮乏」と予測した。

kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

At the head of the company all this time has been a young president who was effectively born into the job and has little experience in crisis management: Akio Toyoda, the grandson of the company's founder. For a decade, while the automaker was being run by professional managers, Akio rose up the corporate ladder without making much of a mark. (For the sake of clarity, we'll use his first name, pronounced a-KEY-o, in this story.) Thrust into the presidency in 2009, he immediately had to cope with a global recession, massive recalls, and a deadly tsunami. Auto production plummeted, and at the same time Toyota lost its most important competitive advantage: its reputation for exceptional quality.


会社の全てを率い、当時は危機管理の経験が少ない、仕事のために事実上生まれた若い社長だった: とよだ あきおは、会社の創立者の孫である。10年間、自動車メーカーがプロの経営者により運営された一方で、あきおは商標(ブランド)を多くつくることなく、会社の階段を昇っていった。明確にするため、この話の中では彼のファーストネームの発音をa-KEY-oとする)2009年には社長への前進した直後、彼は世界的不況、大規模なリコールさらには致命的な津波に対処しなければならなかった。自動車生産は急降下すると同時に、トヨタは最も重要な競争上の優勢力を失った:特殊品質対するその評価。

kirschbluete 英語 → 日本語

If kids can have a hero who deals with life in an exceptional way, we hope that the role model will exert some sort of influence on them. The same is true in a much• more• intense manner concerning the people you work with. Although you may not be in the national spotlight, you have one major advantage over public figures. You have daily contact. Your example is not that of some distant person others want to emulate. You are not a person they hear about every few weeks or months. Your example is regular and repeated.
You will be a role model whether you want to be one or not. Your attitudes, beliefs, and actions will be watched, learned from, and emulated whether you want them to be or not.

