That said "where there is a will there is a way" and so i am exploring avenues to support and fund the project.All artists who have exhibited will benefit from any funding The Exhibition receives to ensure promotion andopportunities for artists individually and as a collective. The feedback and response from the launch show has been incrediblypositive and very exciting.
You will see in the link below that i specifically put the III exhibition back in LONDON which is a requirement that you have an end date for the PROJECT. If one reaches the target goal which i have set at 」3000 funding will be received for The Exhibitionsand you can exceed the target with no limit, but the target does have to be reached even if it were a penny short, then no funding!!!
One of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in education.Innovation is hard because it means doing something that people don't find very easy, for the most part.It means challenging what we take for granted, things that we think are obvious.And the great problem for reform or transformation is the tyranny of common sense.Things that people think, "Well, it can't be done any other way because that's the way it's done."I came across a great quote recently from Abraham Lincoln, who I thought you'd be pleased to have quoted at this point.He said this in December 1862 to the Second Annual Meeting of Congress.I ought to explain that I have no idea what was happening at the time.
Okay, I will do that. I will send you a new invoice.And please, for future reference, please use my personal e-mail for communication:xxx@xxx.xxCan you please cover the transfer fee? The charge at my end is nearly $80. That really works into what little profit margin I make. My other clients in Japan cover the $35. If that is okay, just send me an additional $35 to my Paypal account. Thank you.
You procedure is on August 3, 2012 @ 8:00 am. Most likely you have to be at our office by 7:30 am, but I will confirm it with you the day before. I got your hotel info and I have cell number for you as 011-81-80-1450-1009. Is this number will work? What time will you arrive to hotel? Our address is : 1070 Powers Place Alpharetta GA 30009 DIRECTIONS TO THE CLINIC: DO NOT MAP QUEST OR GPS the directions!! If you do… it will not take you to our location!1070 Powers Place, Alpharetta, GA 30009
お手続き日時は,2012年8月3日午前8:00です。午前7:30までには弊社オフィスへお越しください(前日に再度お知らせいたします)。滞在ホテル情報と電話番号(011-81-80-1450-1009)を既にいただきました。この番号は利用可能でしょうか。またホテル到着時刻は何時になりますでしょうか。弊社住所:ジョージア州アルファレッタ パワースプレイス1070番地 (ZIPコード:30009)当院へのアクセス:※マップクエストやGPSの指示に従うとまったく異なる場所へ行ってしまいます。ジョージア州アルファレッタ パワースプレイス1070番地 (ZIPコード:30009)
“Look for inspiration in all different places: You might be surprised what will inspire you to think creatively about engaging your community. While it’s helpful to look to other online communities for inspiration, you may also find inspiration outside of the tech world. In the past few days, I’ve found essays about imagination and community, as well as city planning, just as thought-provoking as pieces like the one you’re reading now.”Josh Riedel, community manager at Instagram
「どんな場所でもひらめきを見つけよう。コミュニティへの関わりを積極的に考えるきっかけがどんなものかを知れば,きっとあなたは驚くかもしれない。オンライン上のコミュニティがひらめきを与えてくれる一方で,技術の世界から離れたところでもひらめきを見つけることができるだろう。過去数日,私は想像力とコミュニティに関するエッセイを見つけた。それは都市計画を行う時のように,今あなたがを読んでいる文章のように機知に富んでいる。」とInstagram(スマートフォンアプリ)のコミュニティマネージャのJosh Riedelはこう語る。
Funnily enough, we also have a lot of money owed by customers. In Asia, there’s a lot of collection problems. We spent time chasing money, often getting cheques that we cannot cash. There was one large company that didn’t pay for 18 months. And that sum of money isn’t much to them. It was these small things that were hurting us. We were losing energy in places that were quite marginal. And hiring people to chase money just didn’t seem right.
Chalkboard calls it quits after going to Silicon ValleyIt was a simple party with a few invited guests, some pizza and drinks, a seemingly ordinary networking event at the Chalkboard office in Mount Sophia. No formal announcement was made, but some of the folks knew something was up.There would be no happy ending for Chalkboard, a Singapore-based mobile advertising startup. The co-founders, Saumil Nanavati and Bernard Leong, decided months earlier to close shop. They were just quietly figuring out a way to do it.
シリコンバレーに行って,Chalkboardは自分の役割が終わったと思った。それは2~3人のゲストが来て,ピザとドリンクがある,一見するとどこにでもありそうなネットワークイベントがソフィア山の黒板オフィスで行われた。公式の事前告知は一切行われなかったが,何人かの参加者は何が発表されるかを知っていた。シンガポール式携帯型広告端末Chalkboardの幸せな結末などなかっただろう。共同設立者のSaumil NanavatiとBernard Leongは店じまいを数ヶ月早めることを決めた。彼らは静かに自分の今後を見据えていた。
Game Ventures’ Howzat Hits 1 Million Active Gamers, Shares Some Secret SauceToday Zaki Mahomed, founder of Game Ventures, shared a graph on his Facebook showing that Howzat, a Facebook Cricket sport game, had crossed the one million active users mark. The screenshot graph shows a linear increment in monthly active users. It’s good growth to have as an entrepreneur, so I asked Zaki what’s the secret behind it. He didn’t hesitate to reply, saying,We take user actions seriously. Understanding the levers of your product and then building for retention. It’s not easy so most people don’t like it.
ゲームベンチャー社のHowzatは1億人のアクティブゲームユーザが参加している(当社調べ)。ゲームベンチャー社の創設者Zaki Mahomed氏は,自らのフェイスブックにHowzatとフェイスブッククリケットスポーツゲームのアクティブユーザ数が1億人を超えたグラフを掲載した。スクリーンショット上のグラフによるとアクティブユーザが毎月,線形(一次関数的)に増加している。企業家としては順調な伸びであるため,成功の秘訣をZaki氏に伺ってみると,隠す様子もなく以下のように話した。我々は真摯にユーザの反応を受け止めている。つまり,自ら作り出した製品にあるスイッチの意味をよく理解し,維持するための仕組みを作る。維持しつづけることは簡単ではないので,好まれない方法である。
But that didn’t explain too much. I was curious to understand how exactly he did it. I believe most entrepreneurs would want to know, so I pressed for examples.
VERY NICE MAHOGANY REGINA MUSIC BOX .Comes With 21 Original Antique Regina DiscsWe proudly offer a antique Regina music box style # 16 duplex combs with 112 perfectly tuned music teeth. The cabinetry is finely finished solid African Mahogany wood.We at the Meekins Music Box Company have just lovingly restored this fine instrument in our antique music box restoration shop.
This Regina is outstanding both in sound quality's and appearance .The measurements are 17 inches wide, 14 inches deep, 11 inches high with the lid closed and 24 inches high with the lid open.According to Regina Music Box Company records this Regina No 44559 is listed as a Style 16 in a Mahogany Case was Shipped from The Regina Music Box Factory in Rahway New Jersey on April 17 1900 to Henry Gautschi and Sons Music Showrooms 1030 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania .A full complement of 21 original Regina 12 1/4 inch music discs accompany the purchase of this great sounding music box.
このレジーナ社製オルゴールは,音質と存在感の両方で抜きん出ています。蓋を閉じた状態で幅17インチ,奥行14インチ,高さ11インチです(蓋を開いた場合24インチ高くなります)。レジーナオルゴール社によれば,このレジーナ品番44559は,梱包されたマホガニー材にはStyle 16という製品名で,1900年4月17日にニュージャージー州ラーウェイ(Rahway)にあるレジーナオルゴール社の工場から,Henry Gautschi and Sonsミュージックショールーム(ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア チェストナット通り1030番)へ出荷されたと記録されています。その購入の際,全21枚のレジーナ社製オルゴール盤(12.25インチ)が付属していました。
iftables were developed as a platform for hands-on interactions with digital information and media. They are small computers that display graphics on their top surface and sense one another and how they are being moved. Siftables were the prototype for Sifteo cubes.Siftables were created by David Merrill and Jeevan Kalanithi when they were graduate students at the MIT Media Lab. Merrill and Kalanithi are friends from their undergraduate years at Stanford, where they both majored in symbolic systems, Merrill focusing on human-computer interaction and Kalanithi on artificial intelligence and neuroscience.
iftablesはデジタル情報とメディアを一元的に表現するハンズオン基盤として発展した。iftalbesは小さいコンピュータであり,上面のディスプレイで画像を表示でき,自分がどのくらい移動されたかを検知することができる。SiftalbesはSifteoキューブの試作モデルである。SiftalbesはDavid Merrill,Jeevan Kalanithi両氏がマサチューセッツ工科大学・メディア研究室の大学院生だったの頃に開発されたものである。Merrill氏とKalanithi氏はスタンフォード大学の学部生に在籍していたころからの友人であった。学部生の頃,両氏は知能システム論(symbolic systems)を専攻しており,その中でもMerrill氏はコンピュータと人間工学(human-computer interaction),Kalanithi氏は人工知能と神経科学(artificial intelligence and neuroscience)をそれぞれテーマとしていた。
Merrill and Kalanithi were surrounded by colleagues at the Media Lab who were working on wireless sensor networks (e.g. the Tribble project,[1]) and tangible user interfaces (e.g. Topobo [2]).Merrill and Kalanithi wanted to create a general-purpose tangible user interface that leveraged the technologies of wireless sensor networks. From this idea came the idea of interactive tiles that would enable people to interact with collections of virtual objects—digital pictures, document files, etc.—in the same way that people interact with collections of small physical objects like LEGOs —another common sight at the Media Lab.
Merrill氏とKalanithi氏はメディア研究室では,トリブルプロジェクト(Tribble project, [1])をはじめとした無線センサーネットワークや,トポーボ(Topobo [2])など人が理解しやすいユーザインタフェースの研究者に恵まれていた。そのような環境でMerrill氏とKalanithi氏は,無線センサネットワークの技術を大いに活用し,より直観的なインタフェースを備えた汎用的なデバイスの作成に取り掛かった。このアイディアから人間と意志疎通するタイルのアイディアが生まれた。意思疎通するタイルには,まるでレゴ(LEGOs)のように組み合わせて使うように,仮想環境の中のデジタル写真,ドキュメントファイルなどを操作することができる。この視点・アイディアはメディア研究室のメンバーに共有された。
The initial applications envisioned for Siftables were organizing personal media (digital photos, songs, videos) and facilitating business processes, such as coordinating people, distributing tasks, and creating Gantt charts.he was invited to present Siftables at the 2009 TED Conference, held in Long Beach / Palm Springs February 3-7, 2009. During his talk, he demonstrated several applications on Siftables: portraits that reacted to being placed next to one another, mixing colors from "paint buckets" on adjacent cubes, building the Fibonacci sequence with an arithmetic application, creating words by arranging individual letters, an interactive graphical narrative for children, and constructing a music sequence.
The video of Merrill's TED talk quickly went viral once online, attracting over 1 million views. With this indication of widespread interest in the concept of Siftables, Merrill and Kalanithi decided to focus on developing Siftables into a retail product.The transformation of Siftables into Sifteo cubes (the retail product sold by Sifteo, Inc.) required a complete re-implementation of code and hardware. While the underlying capabilities⎯the ability to sense tilting, shaking, rotation, and neighboring⎯of Siftables and Sifteo cubes are the same, the technology behind them is significantly different.
Logiblocs have been called “the cyber blocks of the future” - fascinating electronic building blocks that help you understand the world of IT in a fun and enjoyable way.In a matter of seconds you can create all sorts of gadgets - burglar alarms for bedrooms, flashing space stations, scanners, zappers, lie detectors and even record and playback secret messages. YellowThese blocs trigger the system at the press of a button, the flash of a light or the creak of a floorboardAll Logiblocs work with each other so with a few Extrablocs you can build on to your inventions to make them even more powerful using your Logimagination