Whoever controls the media…In short, New York is what cities in Asia can hope to be in the next few decades in the creative + tech disciplines. The toughest challenge will be working on our culture and our media’s ability to disseminate ideas to the rest of Asia in English; the de facto language to do business.
With the shift in media consumption patterns, the Internet has allowed many online media outlets to start from a clean slate to disrupt the incumbents. Here’s an opportunity for journalist and writers to create world-class content on the internet and we’re already later than our American counterparts.I personally think the work of Singapore’s technology publications like TechinAsia, e27 and SGE are important as their success would mean that future technology startups in Singapore can disseminate information at a regional level and gain a head start. I’m heartened that many are working on multi-lingual dissemination and local partnerships with regional markets to grow their readership base.
Online media in the region is now a mad land grab and those who have the lion’s share will influence the next generation of consumers. It would be silly for any venture capitalist to miss out on the opportunity to back a growing internet media outlet with such aspirations. So who’s backing the next Wall Street Journal and Monocle?
この地域内のオンラインメディアは媒体は領域争奪戦に夢中であり、一番大きなシェアを持つ人たちが次世代の消費者に影響を与えるだろう。いかなるベンチャーキャピタリストでも、このような強い願望に動かされて成長しつつあるインターネット報道機関を支援するチャンスを逃すのは愚かなことだろう。それでは、誰が次のWall Street JournalとMonocleを支援しているだろうか?
The education market in China has been changing since brick-and-mortar private schools emerged. The newcomer parents, who grew up after the Cultural Revolution and during the economic reform, hate the existing education system and are willing to pay a big percentage of family savings for kids to get a good education. But it pretty much depends on how they and their children define high-quality education. To them, better education may mean studying in a Western advanced country or obtaining professional certifications, thus the education market will still be exam-driven and about language-learning.
For startups who previously have little access to educational resources, to survive, they have to figure out where to get the right content that will be accepted by audiences. If you wonder whether the online education trend would change China’s education system? Well, there must be a long long way to go.
A Glimpse on China’s Online EducationChinese tech people are not missing out on the online education revolution. Over 100 online education startups emerged. It’s a business easier to justify than those such as group-buying: in such a big country where quality education resources are concentrated in bigger cities, well-recognized teachers or for-profit schools can reach more students and make more profits through the Internet.
Some existing educational organizations or online services have tasted the sweetness. New Oriental Education’s online business, Koolearn which was founded ten years ago, has its revenues increased 50% for the six consecutive years, and the margin, at the same time, are higher than that of offline classes, according to its CEO (article in Chinese). Hujiang, a language-learning site founded in 2001, claims it has made 100mn yuan ($16mn) in revenue this year from 15mn registered users (source in Chinese).
既存の教育機関やオンラインサービスのいくつかは良い思いをしている。New Oriental Educationのオンライン事業であるKoolearnは、10年前に創業されたが、6年連続で50%増収となっており、同時に、その利益はオフラインのクラスからの利益よりも高い、と同社CEOは述べている(中国語の記事)。2001年に創業された言語学習サイトHujiangは今年、1500万人の登録ユーザーから1億元(1600万ドル)の収益をあげたという(中国語の情報元)。
Different from other copy-to-China businesses, most online education services, though there still are MOOC-like or Shareskill-style ones, are in very Chinese ways, 1) most online classes are for pre-exam training, 2) teacher is the key resource to attract users, 3) most founders are from tech background, not education background, 4) most courses are not for free.
Examination-oriented & Teacher-centricAlmost all well-known private schools in China, such as New Oriental Education, have been focusing on pre-exam training and language learning. That doesn’t change for online education and is expected to be so for a long time. And in the whole education system teachers are absolutely respected by the mainstream society. They want teachers to help their kids get high scores in exams.
試験合格志向で、教師中心New Oriental Educationのような、中国でよく知られている私立学校はほとんどすべて、試験対策と言語学習に重点を置いている。それはオンライン教育においても変わらず、そして長期間にわたってそうであることが予想される。さらに教育制度全体において、教師は社会のメインストリームから絶対的に尊敬されている。人々は自分の子供たちが試験において高得点を取る上で、教師が助けとなることを望む。
Laoshi, teacher in Chinese, is a platform for students and teachers to reach deals. The website holds the tuition paid by students till the end of all classes, and will refund the remain fees if a student isn’t satisfied with classes that have taken. Students will get cash rewards by rating or reviewing teachers after all classes.
Fenbi, chalk in Chinese, is “an interaction platform between professional training teachers and learners” as it describes itself. It takes the micro-blogging format that students can follow teachers/schools, reading notes/materials they post as timeline feeds, access learning materials uploaded by teachers/schools, or taking part in Q&As. The platform covers all kinds of exams a Chinese’d probably come across in a lifetime. Founded by Li Yong, former editor-in-chief of Netease news service, and his colleagues. It raised A round of funding, 10mn Yuan, from IDG, saying they won’t be worried about monetization in two years.
Fenbi(中国語で「チョーク」の意味)は、「専門職業教育に携わる教師とその学習者たちの間の交流プラットフォーム」だ、とのことである。ミニブログ形式で、学生たちは教師や学校をフォローし、タイムラインに投稿されるメモや資料を読み、教師や学校がアップロードした学習資料にアクセス、あるいは質疑応答に参加する。このプラットフォームは、中国人が一生のうちに受ける機会のあるあらゆる種類の試験をカバーしている。通信社NeteaseのLi Yong前編集長とその同僚たちによって創業された。シリーズAの資金調達ラウンドで1000万元をIDGから集めており、2年間はマネタイズについて心配しなくてよいだろうとのことである。
Few founders with education backgroundMost founders are from tech scene, engineers or tech media people. The rest with education background are from primary/middle schools where teachers are motivated as they have been paid for out-of-school classes when preparing examinations.It’s hard to imagine that professionals from higher education system in China would build an online service like Coursera or anyone could come up with online classes so attractive as Khan Academy’s. So far I haven’t heard about any professor or university teachers opening online classes.
教育分野出身の創業者はほとんどいないたいていの創業者はテクノロジー関連業界、エンジニアあるいはテクノロジーを扱うメディア出身の人々だ。残りの教育分野出身者は、小、中学校の教師である。彼らは試験対策として行う学外授業から利益を得ることが、その動機付けとなっている。中国の高等教育制度出身の専門家がCourseraのようなオンラインサービスを構築する、あるいはKhan Academyと同じほど魅力的なオンラインクラスを思いつくことができる、とは想像し難い。これまでのところ私は、大学教授や講師がオンラインクラスを開いている、という例については聞いていない。
Different from building up a social network or group-buying site that what you need to do is attracting as many users/merchants to join in, the key for an online education service is content, well-organized classes. There has been technically well-supported sites that can enable all kinds of online educational activities but few offers professionally organized classes.
TaobaoYes, Taobao is everything. Some people managed to making a good living by selling self-made teaching videos there. They don’t necessarily be teachers, or it can be on a part-time basis.Educational organizations also set up stores on Taobao’s Tmall. New Oriental School and Hujiang Online School, among other services, even took part in the November 11th marketing event this year — the first time for educational organizations, offering online classes at half the prices. The total transactions on education reached 200mn yuan ($32mn) on that day, according to data released by Taobao (source in Chinese).
Taobao(淘宝)そう、Taobaoはなんでも扱っている。幾人かの人々は、そこで自家製の教育動画を販売することで生計を立てていた。彼らは皆が教師というわけではなく、パートタイムで行っていることもある。さらに、いくつかの教育機関もTaobaoのTmallで開店している。New Oriental SchoolとHujiang Online Schoolは、他のサービスに加えて、今年11月11日のマーケティングイベントに教育機関として初めて参加し、オンラインコースを通常の半額で提供してもいる。Taobaoによって発表されたデータ(中国語の情報元)によると、その日の教育関連の総取引額は2億元(3200万ドル)に達した。
YY EducationWith its virtual currency, users can access online classes on YY Education through YY software. YY wants to make the education business, launched in June 2011, as successful as YY Music in terms of popularity and revenue. But so far it hasn’t shown how different it is from other online education startups.
YY EducationYY Educationのオンラインコースは、バーチャル通貨を使い、YYソフトウェアを通してユーザーはアクセスすることができる。YYは2011年6月に立ち上げた教育事業を、人気と収益面においてYY Musicと同じぐらい成功させたいと望んでいる。だが、これまでのところ、他のオンライン教育スタートアップとは同サービスがどのように異なるのかを示していない。
Tencent, as A Hardware PlayerAs you may have heard, the new leader of China’s ruling party Xi Jinping vistied Tencent on last Friday. What do you think Tencent showed him? WeChat, Google Street View-like maps, and, QYing, a portable interactive projector under QRobot project (report in Chinese).
ハードウェアメーカーとしてのTencent(騰訊)すでにお聞きかもしれないが、中国共産党の新リーダーXi Jinping氏は先週金曜日にTencentを訪問した。あなたはTencentが同氏に何を見せたと思うだろうか?WeChat、Google Street Viewタイプの地図サービス、そしてQRobotプロジェクトの中の携帯型インタラクティブ機能付きプロジェクターQYingだ(中国語のレポート)。
Tencent management made it clear that they’d not produce smart phones, but the company has rolled out a few hardware devices, for sale. Based in Shenzhen, an electronics manufacturing base in China, the company can leverage the convenience for producing any hardware — unlike companies such as Xiaomi, whose CEO has to fly down from Beijing to work out the supply chain for its long-waited new phone model. Also, different from hardware companies, Tencent has all kinds of content, music, video, news, e-books, games, software and so on, to feed devices.
QRobotPartnering with SIAT, the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tencent initiated the development of QRobot, a penguin-shaped small robot that can interact with people, in 2010. The first ones were shipped in August 2011 and sold on the company’s e-commerce platform.
QRobotSIAT(the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)と提携し、Tencentは2010年、人間と交流するペンギン形をした小さいロボットQRobotの開発を始めた。その最初の成果は2011年8月に市場へと送り出され、そして同社のネット通販プラットフォームにおいて販売された。
The robot can have simply conversations, by audio or video, with people, responding with information of news, weather, stock market, etc. Software inbuilt enables it to tell stories, read text or conduct a Q&A game. Its head, body and wings can move accordingly.Over three thousand were sold in the launch month for a price of 1188 yuan ($190). Now it’s priced at 1398 yuan. A kid’s edition, education-oriented, was launched together with QYing in last month.
QYingQYing is released as a new generation of QRobot. It’s Android-based and smaller than a fist. Not only can it projects content on a computer screen through USB cable, or a smart phone screen through HDMI cable, to a wall, but you can also interact with the projected image with a stylus or a remote control pen, triggering clicks on buttons, opening links or drawing on the image, among other AR technology-driven functions.