kaory (kaory) 翻訳実績

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We know restaurants need menu and list of locations (ideally with directions or a map), but every industry has its necessary items. If you’re an retailer, you need product images (and they need to be good pictures). If you work in the service industry and have a business that relies heavily on customer service and referrals, put some testimonials on your site. For example, a wedding planner could have one of her recent brides write about her experience with the business. A web designer should include screenshot or link out to previous work. A hair salon could have client testimonials about a stylist’s skills and promptness. Tailor your site so that it offers the information users are likely to be looking for.



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Teaming up with two popular Chinese social networkings, Renren (China’s Facebook) and Sina Weibo (Twitter-like service), Flipboard debuted a Chinese version of the app on December 6 of last year. Alvin Tse, head of Flipboard China was reportedly expecting a 5 million download mark for iPad Chinese version by year-end.

Currently staffed by 55 employees, the Alto-based company raised US$ 60.5 million in its fundings.

Being not only the new comer to China’s mobile sector but also the inspiration for a clutch of Chinese Flipboard-like apps such as – to name a few – Xianguo Lianbo, Zaker, NetEase Reading and Tencent iCare, Flipboard is confronting fierce competition the first day it set foot on China.


Renren (中国版 Facebook) や Sina Weibo (Twitter のようなサービス) といった中国のソーシャルネットワーク大手2社と提携し、Flipboardは昨年12月6日にこのアプリの中国語バージョンをリリースした。Flipboard Chinaの責任者であるAlvin Tse氏は、年内にiPadの中国語バージョンの500万ダウンロードが達成できることを期待していると述べている。

現在スタッフは55人おり、Palo Altoに本社があるFlipboardは6050万米ドルの資金を調達している。中国のモバイル市場への新規参入というだけでなく中国版Flipboardのようなアプリをリリースしている企業(名前を上げるとXianguo Lianbo、Zaker、NetEase Reading、Tencent iCare、Flipboard)にも刺激となっており、中国市場に参入した初日から激しい競争に直面している。

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Startups for Women: More to Expect

When we talk about startups, we rarely take a look at the target users at the first place. Instead, we always place them the same way we deal with traditional industries: we look at the functions provided and divide them into different sectors: SNS, game, commerce, advertisement, media… For me, the business model on internet is simply two: either you sell products (virtual or real) directly to end-users who are willing to pay, or you sell advertisements because you covered a bunch of valuable users who may be willing to buy something because of the ads displayed.




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2. Online store:

Jumei (Cosmetics Groupon), Myluxbox(Chinese Birchbox), Wowsai(Chinese Etsy), AG (Chinese Etsy for cloth only)

They skip the manufactory part, but offer an online distribution channel for brands and individuals.

3. Female SNS:

Meilishuo(means “beauty talk”), Mogujie(means “Mushroom Street), Duitang (means “sugar pile”).

The above three share similar product design with pinterest, and the first two focuse more on directing users to online purchasing.

Piaopiao(Quora for skin care), Buykee(Shopping taste test), Mamashai(SNS for new mums)

These webs try to create more contents by collecting related users.



Jumei (化粧品 Groupon)、Myluxbox(中国版Birchbox)、Wowsai(中国版Etsy), AG (衣類専門の中国版Etsy)



Meilishuo(「美しい話」の意味)、Mogujie(「マッシュルーム・ストリート」の意味)、Duitang (「山盛りの砂糖」の意味)




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Why is that? I guess demographic might be the answer: Most tech startup founders, and venture capitalists are guys. It’s harder for them to pay attention to women’s market or design products to satisfy female’s needs naturally.

Here comes my personal opinion: Women users deserve more attention, especially on mobile apps, given their customer base, purchase power and internet using habits. We have already found “Etsy”, “Pinterest”, “my virtual boyfriend”, “What I wore Today”, “Joyus”, “Spanx”, “Foodspotting” and other innovative products targeting female users. There must be more to expect.



個人的な意見を言うと、特にモバイルアプリにおいて女性ユーザーにはもっと注意を払ったほうがいい。そのとき、カスタマーベース、購買力、インターネットの利用習慣などを考慮する必要がある。これまでに「Etsy」、「Pinterest」、「my virtual boyfriend」、「What I wore Today」、「Joyus」、「Spanx」、「Foodspotting」など他にも女性ユーザーをターゲットにした斬新なプロダクツを見てきた。女性向けスタートアップにはもっと期待できるだろう。

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That Flipboard-like aspect is a neat idea, allowing users to catch up on news and gossip in the browser but without suffering the usually lousy mobile layout of most websites. And perhaps Chinese people love web portals – explaining the ongoing success of AOL-like sites in the country, just like Qihoo’s own efforts – the new 360 Browser for iPhone also incorporates preset reading categories such as fashion, sports, entertainment, and “beautiful girls.”

To access all that extra content, just flick to one side on the new tab homepage, and it’s all laid out there, with extra categories available to add:


