Miho A (jolie0617) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
jolie0617 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★☆ 4.0





Certainly! I will send it to your address which you mentioned after I finish with painting.
would ESM shipping work for you? Though it costs a little more than regular shipping, I think it's better because it's faster and safer.
If you have any particular shipping you would prefer or anything you need in Japan, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'll send you e-mail when I'm ready for the shipping anyway.

So, you're having baby! Congratulations and wishing your baby's health and happiness!
Well, we can always have fun with making radio control parts, but the time you can see and enjoy, spend time with your child growing in NOW, and there will be never the same moment. I guess the radio control can wait,so we better postpone it for a while. LOL

jolie0617 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

心的外傷には先生の助けが必要です。両親の離別に対する子どもの思いは複雑で、友達にはとても相談で きません。先生が日頃から子どもの悩みを聞き、助言すれば子どもも頑張れるはず。宿題を出さなくなった、反抗的な態度になった、などの変化があれば親に知 らせ、先生と親が一緒に手を組んで乗り越えていくのです。


Healing the trauma needs doctors help. The child who is damaged from divorce of their parents has a very complex emotion and pain which he or she can not express to their friends or others.
Doctor should be able to open up their mind, really listen to the child's pain and thoughts,and give him or her advise to support their life, so that the child could help themselves more.
If doctor notice the changes of the child's behavior, such as being neglectful for homework or also being disobedient, doctor needs to inform that immediately to the child's parents.
Doctor and parents need to help each other to heal the child's wound.
They can ask for help to administration that assists financial problem if they need to do so.
Divorce of a couple who has a child have to be prudent and they should ask advice from not only friends but administrations and organizations so that they can avoid their child have deep wound.

jolie0617 日本語 → 英語




On the other hand, there are children who positively grow up and overcome the mental damage from divorce of the parents even though it must be hard for them to accept the situation.
Sometimes child would force to live in a house with Domestic Violence, the child relief from both physical and mental pain when the parents get divorced. Some study says the child would become more independent in order to support the parents.

But still, It takes a lot of time to heal the trauma. the mental damage couldn't be seen externally, so it needs to be carefully taken care of.

Especially in their infancy, small children have a tendency to think that they have a responsibility of the parents's divorce and start blaming themselves.
If the mother tells the child that the divorce is all the father's fault, especially for kids who love the father most, it is heartbreaking thing to hear.