When I'm exhausted from work and unable to sleep, I resolve to fall into sleep with a help of sleeping pills.
fucked up
Alexさん、メッセージをどうもありがとう。あなたがおっしゃるように、たしかにぼくは、VimeoやYou tubeに動画を投稿しています。見つけていただいたことにとても驚き、また嬉しく思いました。もともと商業用の映像をつくるのが本業ですが、投稿は趣味としてやっています。仕事に比べると不便なことも多々ありますが、自由に、時間を気にすることなく制作できるので心から楽しむことができます。Alexさんは、とても有名なミュージシャンのようですね。日本ととても深いつながりがあるようですが、それはどのようなものなんでしょうか?あなたが声をかけてくださったことを、とても光栄に思います。どうもありがとう!※ぼくも英語の文章には自信がないので、ローコストでありながら信頼できる翻訳をしてもらえる“Conyac”というサイトを利用しました。
Dear Alex,Thank you for your message. You're right, I do upload my videos on sites like Vimeo and YouTube. It was a nice surprise to know that you've found them, which made me really happy.I work as a professional movie maker that produce commercial movies, and these videos I uploaded are hobby-basis. Making them is not as convenient as the case in my real job, but I truly enjoy doing so because I don't have any restrictions with them, both theme- and time-wise.I see you are a quite well-known musician, Alex! You seem to have very profound connection with Japan. I'm curious...Would you tell me more about it?I was very flattered to have received a comment from someone like you. Thanks again!p.s. As I'm not very good at writing English either, so I had my massage translated with the help of a low-cost-but-reliable translation site called "Conyac."
Come on out and see what the excitement is all about!
In Japan, it is considered a serious breach of manners to litter cigarette butts as well as to smoke while walking. These acts are even subject to fines in some municipals.
The Basic Liquid crystal controller is allows a single retarder to be controlled manually. The digital controller can operate up to four retarders at once via computer interface. National Instruments LabVIEW virtual instrumnets driver included with digital controller. Digital controller also features advanced software and capability for temperature monitoring and control on one channel. See our website for complete controller description.
ベーシック液晶制御装置で、1台のリターダーを手動操作できます。デジタル式制御装置を使えば、コンピューターインターフェイスを介して4台のリターダーを同時に操作できます。デジタル制御装置にはNational Instruments社のLabVIEWバーチャル計器ドライバーが備わっています。また、デジタル制御装置には、1チャンネルで温度の監視および制御を行う先進のソフトウェアおよび性能も備わっています。制御装置の詳細に関しては当社のウェブサイトを参照ください。
Couldn't have been more gentle !
I've heard they can simplify the package in order to reduce your load. This shampoo contains three times the ordinary ones and yet costs 2000 yen less.
1. Is the room temperature comfortable for you?2. Please don't fall.3. Take off your gown and lie down on your stomach over the sheet.4. I will accompany you to the room.5. I will wait outside the room.
Although we have successive holidays, I'm not spending all these holidays with him because I will have to work on some of these days. Please understand this day is very important for me, since I don't usually see him on weekdays. Give me some time while I figure out if I could go on Saturday.
School children have forgotten to appreciate their teachers, taking it for granted that teachers should serve students. Students mocking teachers or usng abusive languages toward them are something commonly observed these days. Since when has our society turned to become like this? Is there anythig we could do as adults?
The heat is sapping my energy. I get exhausted just to go back and forth between my house and my workplace. How can I improve my physical strength? Or should I just accept the fact that I was born this way? On the other hand, my parents are far more energetic than I am.
Here are my corrections--I left the original as much as possible. Let me hear your opinion if you have any doubt about them. Also, please come to the studio next week to check the recording with the native speakers.
Due to my work schedule, I would like to change the lesson date from the 20th to 24th, preferably at 5:30 (p.m.?). Thank you very much.
When voltage is applied across the liquid crystal layer, the molecules tip toward the direction of the applied electric field.As voltage increases,the effective birefringence decreases, causing a reduction in retardance.Uncompensated retarders can vary from 30mm to 1/2 while compensated retarders can operate from 0-1/2. The BC allows a single retarder to be controlled manually. The digital controller can operate up to 4retarders at once via computer interface. Virtual instruments driver included
These Liquid Crystal Retarders are constructed using precision polished, optically flat fused silica windows spaced a few microns apart. The cavity is filled with nematic liquid crystal material and sealed. This assembly ensures excellent transmitted wavefront quality and low beam deviation required for many demanding applications. The long axis of the liquid crystal molecules defines the extraordinary(or slow)index. With no voltage present, the molecules lie parallel to the windows
I know it's too much a demand, but I really want to master a much wider range of vocabulary. I'm aware that my vocabulary level is so elementary that my sentences become a bit dull. That's why I would like to improve my English skill through learning various kinds of words.
I will appreciate if you could explain the difference of the meanings among some synonyms I list, which I'm having difficulty with learning, as well as show me some sentences using these words as examples. The purpose of this is to understand how these words are used in common situations, so they can be really short and simple sentences, or even phrases.
I don't need much sleep. For how many hours do you guys sleep? I was wondering if you could help me learn difficult English words by making sentences containing these words. For my part, all I can do is pretty much limited to listing the words I want to learn.
Toes and heels together nicely. Interlock the fingers underneath the chin, total concentration.