Giving out excessive amount of information will confuse your listener, making them unable to see your main point.To practice your concentrated-luxurious-consumerism (?), you need to leave only what suits your purposes and boldly slash everything else.
You don't have to wait until you have it perfect: tell someone about it even if it's in a imcomplete stage.
Looking back my old self brings back all kinds of feelings in me.
Your mind becomes organized in the course of explaining (your ideas) to others, enabling you to further comprefhend what you have already acquired.
Strangely enough, there has been an extraordinary increase in the number of accesses to the requests for translation, while the number of actually translated results remains the same .
If you look at the trend in Internet in the gloval scale, it is currently a very common practice to communicate each other using their real names, which was rare in the past. This trend will surely reach Japan. It is desirable that the service will become for all the people who use Internet, so that people all over the world can be connected.
I'm in a slow but steady recovery both physically and emotionally, so I hope I can share a enjoyable time here with you all. I can do a little bit of translation from English to Japanese (原文では逆ですが文脈から勝手に直してしまいました。確認してください), but not the other way around, since some Japanese expressions have no equivalent in English, such as "Yoroshiku-onegaishimasu."
I have to go to bed now since I have to be at work early (学校ならI have an early-morning class), but I'm so into this site I can't stop. It's sort of fun to read everyone's texts in English so I can learn from them.
I have also suffered from dipression once, but I'm on my way to recovery right now and go to a training school to learn computer skills. It's hard for me to keep up with the classes, but I'm working hard on it.
This site seems a bet too simplified. I assume that's precisely the site's point, but there are some rooms for improvement, like categorizing the users' levels and facilitating the money transfer
A person told me that in order to recover from dipression, s/he would recommend doing whatever one doesn't want to do.
I wonder if they came to Japan because they have been kicked out of their own country, or because it was their will?
They're so shameless for charging their students(?) in exchange of such sloppy classes.
私はお酒とタバコを控えるように言い続けるつもりです。でもあまり言い過ぎると隠れてするようになるので 目に余ったら怒ると思います。結婚して子供ができればやめてくれると信じています。
I won't stop telling him to quit drinking as well as smoking, though I may rebuke him only when it's way too much, since constantly complaining will drive him to indulge in the habit behind my back. I believe he will stop when we get married and have children.
My impression, however, is that some non-Japanese teachers have no teaching skills for English, with their tasks limited to instructing students to read some passages, and that others do not even have an educational policy nor the ability to teach well.
If they have come to Japan with the hope of teaching English here, isn't it righteous to assume they have some kind of drive or a respect for Japanese people?
Some foreign teachers at English conversational schools know very little Japanese, and I find it not very beneficial for students to have such teachers give classes all by themselves.
There are occations when I think foreigners should come to Japan after they have learned some Japanese.
With gratitude for the lives they led: http://bit.ly/1cZlfe #FortHood
I think I'm catching a cold.