Junko Masada (jayem_5566) 翻訳実績

9年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
出版・プレスリリース IT ゲーム
jayem_5566 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

“I started a pilot in Pakistan to provide young women access to basic education and livelihoods. As it started gaining traction in the local community, I realized that it lit my fire like nothing had before,” she says. “Quitting my job after that was a no-brainer.”

The pilot program – which evolved into a full-fledged non-profit organization called BLISS – involved after-school classes in which girls learnt embroidery and needlework. Their embroidered fabric would then be sent to local producers to be finished into high-quality handbags, which were sold in boutiques. The proceeds would be used to fund the girls’ education, as well as recruit other students.




jayem_5566 英語 → 日本語

This kind of personalization is common on many websites. But not so in mobile apps, where links like this often merely take you to the start screen of the app, or maybe to a page for the Warriors game — not a shopping cart filled out with the order you specifically would want. So today Kahuna is taking a step toward changing that with its release of Dynamic Deep Linking.

Links deep inside apps don’t work like Web links in websites, since there isn’t an HTML standard for apps. In recent years, mobile deep linking has enabled a link within an app or a website to go inside another app and land on a specific screen, instead of just opening the app and showing its home screen.


こうしたパーソナライゼーションは多数のWebサイトでよく目にする。しかしモバイルアプリではあまりお目にかからない。リンクからアプリのスタート画面が単に表示されるか、もしかするとWarriorsの試合のページが表示されるかもしれないが、自分の希望する具体的な注文がすでに入力されている買い物カゴが表示されることはない。だからKahunaは今日、Dynamic Deep Linkingをリリースすることで、モバイルのリンクの改善に一歩を踏み出す。


jayem_5566 英語 → 日本語

But that kind of deep linking showed a specific screen that everyone clicking that link would see.

Yozio recently released a SDK so that a link for an app install can open the app to a specific screen once it’s downloaded. That screen, for instance, might show preloaded credits that came through that referral link.

Mobile app tracker AppsFlyer has developed the ability for, say, a link in a mobile hotel ad to direct the user to the appropriate travel app download, and then, when the app is opened, show the page inside the app for that advertised hotel.





jayem_5566 英語 → 日本語

But that link is specific to the content — the hotel — and not the person. Everyone who clicked on that mobile ad for Hilton Hotels would see the same Hilton Hotels screen in an installed travel app.

Kahuna is taking this one step further, by enabling links for apps to utilize the personal history of the person clicking the link. So a specific customer, for instance, might be taken from a link in a push notification about Hilton Hotels to the Preferred Guest page for Hilton Hotels in her travel app, because of her good history with the American Express card.


だが、それはそのコンテンツ –– そのホテル –– に特異的なリンクであり、人間に、ではない。たとえば、ヒルトンホテルのモバイル広告をクリックした人の全員が、インストールした旅行アプリに表示されるヒルトンホテルの同一スクリーンに行き着く。


jayem_5566 英語 → 日本語

The company has worked with Indian lawyers to ensure the platform complies with the country’s privacy laws. When sharing, doctors can add comments and tags to their pictures to clarify or strengthen searches. They can also adjust who can see the image in the privacy settings.

Figure 1 protects its subjects by auto-detecting and blocking faces, and also gives users the option to blur parts of a photo that might give away a patient’s identity.

In conjunction with the launch, the company will start the Ambassador program and Fellows program to provide guidance to medical, nursing, and dental students in the country.

The app can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.



Figure 1では顔を自動検知してブロックすることで患者を保護し、さらに、患者の身元を明かす可能性のある部分が写真に写っていれば、その部分をぼかすオプションをユーザーに提供する。


Figure 1アプリはApp StoreとGoogle Playからダウンロードできる。

jayem_5566 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Hello You,

I am sorry to hear that you wish to cancel your account.

We would like to resolve any issues that you might be facing that is preventing you from continuing to ship with us. Was there anything that was not resolved to your satisfaction?

Is there anything we can offer you to retain you as a member with our company?

Did you know that our Standard Membership has no recurring fees and you only pay for what you ship? I would be happy to offer you a switch to this membership type and waive the setup fee of $10. That way if you ever decide to ship with us again, your account will be available.

Regardless, please let me know how you would like to proceed.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours cordially,








