R.Mitsubori (isshi) 翻訳実績

5.0 37 件のレビュー
9年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ビジネス 旅行・観光 文化 Webサイト マーケティング 広告 商品説明 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー ジャーナリズム 出版・プレスリリース
15 時間 / 週
isshi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

About 48 percent of game players are women, according to the Entertainment Software Association. But only 22 percent of those creating games are female.

‘We see this disparity even though we are in the 21st century,” said Kate Edwards, executive director of the IGDA, at Intel’s press event. “Intel has been a fantastic partner for the IGDA. We will see great changes in game content.”

She said she hopes more companies in the industry will step forward on issues of diversity. The programs focus on acquisition of talent and retention of talent. The IGDA hopes to double the number of women in games in the next decade.

“We realize that’s something like a space program goal, but that’s why you do it,” Edwards said.


Entertainment Software Associationによると、ゲーム人口の約48パーセントは女性である。しかし、ゲーム製作者側に占める女性の割合はわずか22パーセントしかいない。

IGDAのエグゼクティブ ディレクターであるKate EdwardsはIntelの広報イベントで、「21世紀であるにも関わるず、このような格差があるのです。」と話した。「Intel社はIGDAにとって、かねてより非常に素晴らしいビジネスパートナです。今後、ゲームコンテンツは大きく変化するでしょう。」



isshi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Alibaba announces new $315M ‘not-for-profit’ fund to invest in Taiwan startups

Alibaba just officially announced it intends launch a NT$10 billion (about US$316 million) fund to invest in startups in Taiwan.

According to the company, the fund will be managed by professional investment managers and will operate on a non-profit-esque model, wherein profits generated from investments will be re-invested into portfolio companies. The firm adds that the fund will help startups “start and grow businesses on marketplaces and platforms in the Alibaba ecosystem, enabling them to offer products and services in the Greater China region.”






isshi 英語 → 日本語

Over time, she was making enough money to rent a storefront in Evanston, IL. Later, she was able to hire a staff. Eventually, she purchased a historic firehouse that became the headquarters of Stuart Rodgers Photography. Seventy years later, that company is the only job she’s ever had, and she’s still at it.

She had to go out on so many limbs, so many times. At every stage, she reinvested back into the business and risked her credit and credibility to keep moving forward.

This photography business is quite different from a digital product, but not long ago it took a similar process to get an Internet business off the ground.


やがて彼女は十分な資金を貯め、Illinois州Evanstonに事務所を借りた。その後、従業員を雇うこともできた。そしてついに古く消防署であった建物を買い取り、そこをStuart Rodgers Photographyの本社とした。それから70年、同社は彼女が唯一就いた仕事であり、彼女は未だにそこで働いている。


isshi 英語 → 日本語

A few weeks ago, I saw a group of strangers come together on the Internet and launch a business. They were designers, developers, copywriters, and marketers.

The team started from scratch and set out to launch within a week. They worked collaboratively, sharing ownership based on what they’d each put in.

Watching this, it dawned on me that we’re now entering a new era, and all those remaining costs – labor, office space, accounting, legal, marketing, etc. – are dropping to the floor. Just like last time around, it’s going to mean that we see 10 times more products launching, 10 times as fast. It means we can do with $250 what a startup five years ago could do with $250,000.






isshi 英語 → 日本語

Spending less than $100, this small team just took an idea, built it, and got it to market. Now they know people want it, so they are continuing to focus on performance and feature improvements to satisfy a growing customer base.

If things keep working, they may be able to quit their jobs and grow this into a multimillion dollar business, but nobody’s mortgage is riding on it.

Like my grandmother in 1945, they had a hunch that people wanted SignupSumo, so they created it. Unlike my grandmother, they hardly had to risk anything to start interacting with the market.

(You can see my live-tweet of the seven day building of SignupSumo here.)





(Signup Sumoが創設される過程の7日間を綴った私のライブツイートは、こちらでご覧いただこう。)

isshi 英語 → 日本語

The project came from Diageo Technology Ventures, an experimental tech and investment arm of Diageo. The goal is to enable Diageo to send consumers targeted and timely marketing messages, whether at retail or after purchase. It can, for instance, send you cocktail recipes after you open the bottle.

Thinfilm’s NFC-based tags can be read by readers all across the supply chain, allowing retailers and manufacturers to track inventory to the point of purchase. The tech provides a new layer of security in ensuring the authenticity of the scotch. Sutija said the tag adds tens of cents to the cost of a bottle.


The tags will go into production later this year.


同企画はDiageo社の実験技術と投資担当部門であるDiageo Technology Ventures社が発案した。Diago社の最終目的は、同社が小売店で買い物中もしくは商品購入後の消費者に向けて的確でタイムリーなメッセージを送信することだ。例えば、ボトルを開けた消費者にカクテルのレシピを送信することができる。


isshi 英語 → 日本語

Thinfilm said these NFC tags compete with conventional static QR codes that are often difficult to read, easy to copy, and do not support sensor integration. The OpenSense tags can dynamically detect if a bottle is sealed or open with the tap of an NFC-enabled smartphone. To ensure authenticity, the tags are completely and permanently encoded at the point of manufacture. They can’t be copied or electrically modified. If a seal is broken, it gives off one kind of signal. If it is unbroken, it sends another.

Since the tag uses radio-frequency communication, it doesn’t need a battery. The radio signal itself provides the power that completes the connection between a reader and that tag.


Thinfilm社によれば、このNFCラベルは、読み取りが困難なことが多く、複製が容易で、統合センサーにも対応していない静的QRコードに競合するという。このOpen Senseラベルは、NFC対応のスマートフォンを使用することで、ボトルが開封されたか否かを動的に検知することができる。ラベルはみな製造者のもとで徹底的に、永久的に暗号化され、その品質を確保することができる。これを複製したり電気的に改ざんを加えることも不可能だ。もしも密封が解かれた場合、信号が発信される。きちんと封がされていればその旨の信号が発せられる。
