Still, it seems clear that YC has coached these companies well on how to pitch successfully. Most make reference to their traction, touting amazing annual run rates (based on the current month’s revenues, of course), quadruple-digit growth rates (even if the actual number of users is still in the low thousands), and, in a few cases, even profitability.If there’s a bubble on, these companies at least know how to position themselves for its inevitable end.
A few more statistics on this class:・18 countries are represented・25 companies have a female cofounder・9 companies have a Black cofounder・6 companies have a Hispanic cofounder・30.27 is the average founder age・20 companies are consumer-focused・20 companies are B2B-focused・18 are biomedical・14 are marketplaces・13 are enterprise technology companiesI’ll be taking notes on the demos and talking to attendees to find out what looks promising. So if you’ve got a hot tip on one of these startups, let me and the VB news team know.
Google quietly launches Data Saver extension for ChromeGoogle has quietly released a Data Saver extension for Chrome, bringing the company’s data compression feature to the desktop for the first time. You can download the extension, currently in beta, from the Chrome Web Store.We say “quietly” because there doesn’t seem to be an announcement from Google. The extension was published on March 23 and appears to work exactly as advertised on the tin, based on what we’ve seen in our early tests.
“We founded Yukai Engineering six years ago, but [Bocco] is the first product we’re marketing internationally,” said COO Jun Harada. “[SXSW] is a great chance to spread the word to a huge, international audience.”Bocco debuted on Kickstarter during SXSW Interactive and has raised about US$7,500 of its US$20,000 goal with 19 days remaining.
「私たちは6年前にYukai Engineeringを設立しましたが、[Bocco]は世界に向けて売り出しを行っている最初の商品です。」COOのハラダジュン氏はこう話す。「[SXSW]は多数の国際的オーディエンスに向け、世界に普及させる大きなチャンスとなります。」BoccoはSXSWインタラクティブ期間中にKickstarterにて登場したが、20,000米ドルの売り上げ目標のうち、7,500米ドルを売り上げており、達成目標日まで残り19日を残している。
Plen2Humanoid robots were all the rage in 2014, but Plen2 claims to be the world’s first to be both 3D printable and completely open-source. At only 20 centimeters tall, Plen2 is rather small – but it’s got big customization potential.“We provide the 3D data for major components, so people can use their own 3D printers to customize the robot,” Natsuo Akazawa, Plen Project CEO, told Tech in Asia. “Plen2’s Arduino-compatible computer board can further expand its functions. We have a small team, just three people, so without a huge internal network we chose to allow innovation take place within our user network.”
Plen2人間型ロボットは2014年はブームに沸いたが、Plen2は世界で初めて3Dプリンタ対応かつ完全なオープンソースという両方の特徴を兼ね備えているといわれている。背丈はわずか20cmと極めて小型であるが、そのカスタム性という意味で大きなポテンシャルがある。「私たちは主要部品に3Dデータを組み込んでおり、使用者がロボットをカスタマイズするために自身の3Dプリンタを使用できるようになっていいます。」Plen Project CEOのアカザワナツオ氏はTech in Asiaにそう語った。「Plen2のArduino互換のコンピュータボードはその機能をより高めることができます。私たちは3人足らずの小さいチームで構成されており、巨大な社内ネットワークではなく、我々のユーザネットワークの中でイノベーションを起こすことができるような方式を取りました。」
Can you explain what type of mount.What does for VM mean.
After reviewing the details of the case, I see that you are required to pay for the shipping charges associated with returning this item. We want you to be successful as a seller on eBay, so as part of an effort to build trust and engagement with potential buyers, we made a change in September 2014 which requires sellers to pay for return shipping any time an item is not as described. This will create a retail-like returns experience that will ultimately drive more sales for you as a seller.
Researchers just built a free, open-source version of SiriMajor tech companies like Apple and Microsoft have been able to provide millions of people with personal digital assistants on mobile devices, allowing people to do things like set alarms or get answers to questions simply by speaking. Now, other companies can implement their own versions, using new open-source software called Sirius — an allusion, of course, to Apple’s Siri.Today researchers from the University of Michigan are giving presentations on Sirius at the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems in Turkey. Meanwhile, Sirius also made an appearance on Product Hunt this morning.
フリーかつオープンソースバージョンのSiriが登場Apple、Microsoft等大手IT企業が数百万人を対象に、携帯機器のパーソナルアシスタンス機能の提供を開始した。機器に向かって話しかけるだけで、アラームの設定や質問への回答を可能とする機能だ。Siriusと呼ばれるAppleのSiriを意識した新オープンソースソフトウェアを使用することで、他企業による独自バージョンの開発が可能になる。今日、トルコで開催されているプログラム言語およびOS向けアーキテクチャサポートに関する国際会議で、ミシガン大学の開発者がプレゼンを実施する予定である。同時に、今朝よりSiriusはProduct Huntにも登場している。
We are proud to announce an addition to the A-bodytool family with Anna our VP of sales having a beautiful boy, Tom Henry Watson.I wanted to introduce myself, Jessica Alba, and follow up on the A-bodytool products you received. How are they doing? Can I help you restock? I’m here to help in any way I can.We are launching our new products in early June but are starting to receive first shipment requests already!Please find our a sneak peek at the A-bodytool products, catalog, price sheet and more:
この度、A-bodytool営業副部長のAnnaが男の子Tom Henry Watsonを出産しましたことをご報告いたします。紹介が遅れましたが、私はJessica Albaと申します。お受け取りになったA-bodytool製品の事後フォローを担当しております。製品はお気に召しましたでしょうか?追加購入が必要でしたらいつでも私までお知らせください。6月上旬に新製品の発売を予定しており、すでに初回分の受付を開始しております。今後発売予定のA-bodytool製品カタログ、価格表、その他についてお送りしております。