There is a tiny scratch in this product. The scratch is too tiny to see on the photo. If you worry about it, I won't accept your offer. Is it alright?I can prepare a new product besides the product for display, but I won't be able to prepare it on time. I may be able to prepare a similar product. I have guitars which are not on ebay, so I can put them on if you let me know your favorite colors and brands.
Is this price for one item only or for two items?I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much for sending it to me.I purchased 2 products from you.Did you send them with the two separate boxes or just one box?Please let me know.
投資家さんを募集しています。特に「日本の借地権」に対する投資は、長期的な視野があれば、堅実な投資となります。私は今、英語で自己紹介などをしていますが、翻訳サイトにお願いしています。実は私は英語がしゃべれません。どうもすいません。趣味・特技:バイクツーリング, 映画鑑賞, 読書, スロースイミング,妻と一緒にいる時間が大好き。スキル & 専門知識宅地建物取引主任者 (日本で不動産を扱うために必ず必要) ファイナンシャルプランナー(AFP) 二級建築士 日本語と宮崎弁
I'm looking for investors.Investing in leasehold is going to be steady investment if you're thinking about the long-term investment.I'm introducng myself in English now, but I use translating service on the web to do it. Actually, I don't speak English. I'm sorry about that.Hobby/Special skills:Motorcycle touring, watching movies, reading books, slow swimming, I like spending time with my wife.Skills and technical knowledgeQualified Real Estate Transaction Specialist (It is a required qualification to take charge of real estates in Japan)Financial Planner (AFP)Registered architect of the second classSpeak Japanese and Miyazaki dialect
I don't speak English, so I won't be able to talk to you on the phone.I wrote these English words using a translating service on the internet as well.I'd really like to know UPC number, so could you please look up the number for me?