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Taiwan’s iChef discloses $1.5M funding round from supermarket mogul

iChef, the Taipei-based startup that offers an iPad-enabled POS (point-of-sales) service for restaurants, has disclosed a US$1.5 million investment from Lin Ming-Hsiung, chairman of Pxmart, one of the island’s biggest supermarket chains.

While the round was closed last July, the company has not made it public until now. Pxmart’s current CEO Hsu Chung-Jen (who once served as the general manager of President Chain Store Corporation, a major food and retail conglomerate) also contributed to iChef’s seed-size round, but the company says it has no formal ties to the food vendor.



台湾ベースのスタートアップ企業であるiChefが、台湾最大手スーパーマーケット・チェーンのPxmart社Lin Ming-Hsiung会長から150万米ドルの投資を受けたと発表した。iChefは、iPad対応のPOS(ポイント・オフ・セールス)サービスをレストランに提供している。

投資自体は昨年7月に済んでいたものの、同社はこれまで開示していなかった。Pxmartの現CEOであるHsu Chung-Jen氏もiChefの初回資金調達に貢献しているが、iChefは食品業と正式なつながりはないとしている。(Hsu Chung-Jen氏は大手食品小売りのコングロマリットであるPresident Chain Store Corporationのジェネラルマネージャーを勤めた経歴を持つ)

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“There were a couple of VCs that suggested we just give the product away for free, build up our client list, and increase our valuation,” says Chen. “But [in our view], it’s not about how many restaurants are in your list, it’s about how useful you are.”

Chen and his co-founders have also recently added a Square-esque payment service for restaurants using iChef. In Taiwan, barriers for adopting merchant credit card are similar to those faced by US-based small businesses. Chen is hoping that the new feature will help spur adoption among restaurants, but since iChef itself doesn’t charge a processing fee, it can continue to monetize through subscriptions to its core app.




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Mobile Internet ‘unicorn’ companies now valued at $575B worldwide

The market value of mobile Internet unicorns — software companies valued at $1 billion or more by public or private investors — hit $575 billion in the first quarter of 2015.

So says a new report from Digi-Capital, a San Francisco-based mobile Internet advisory firm.

Digi-Capital believes there are now 79 mobile Internet unicorns, with 69 of them valued between $1 billion and $10 billion, nine valued between $10 billion and $100 billion, and one — Facebook — valued at $220 billion.

The firm identified unicorns in 17 mobile Internet sectors, with a total valuation of $575 billion (or $355 billion, excluding Facebook).







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When VentureBeat first wrote about Nervana a year ago, the startup wasn’t planning to focus on software — specially built deep learning hardware was the top priority. But things have changed; now the startup wants to offer a cloud service drawing on Nervana’s custom hardware that companies will be able to tap for complex computations, Rao said.

The Nervana cloud isn’t available yet, but Neon is. It’s written in Python, a language familiar to data scientists and developers alike. And there’s also a Machine Learning Operations (MOP) Layer, which allows existing deep learning systems like Theano and Caffe to integrate with Nervana’s technology.

“We’ve packaged it up in a way that makes it very easy to use,” Rao said



