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Over the longer term, however, this clearly doesn't make Zynga look great. Even though revenue from Facebook games is increasing as Zynga gets better at monetizing, unique users are basically flat. Zynga's interest is clearly to build games on other platforms besides Facebook, both for growth and for platform risk mitigation. But it seems Facebook gets to say on what platforms Zynga can and can't launch games. Zynga is betting on mobile as its next big platform. Is GameCenter, Apple's iOS gaming social service, one of the "social platforms" on which Zynga can't launch games without Facebook's say-so?



gloria 英語 → 日本語

It does appear that if Zynga games either exceed or fail to meet the growth targets promised by Facebook, the terms of the exclusivity agreement change.

But Zynga had to commit that its users cannot play any games covered by the agreement unless they are actively logged into Facebook for the duration of the session.

And Facebook seems to specifically exclude Zynga from launching its games on rival social platforms — there’s a list of these rivals, but it’s redacted. However, Zynga does have Facebook’s permission to launch an email- or SMS-based game.





gloria 英語 → 日本語

Facebook told me today it does not share revenue with Zynga from ads that appear on its own social network, but in the future, it could share revenue from advertising if they appear on one of Zynga’s properties and were sold by Facebook.

In a statement, a spokesperson explained, “We don’t have agreements with any developers, including Zynga, to share revenue from ads next to their Facebook canvas apps. We did agree with Zynga to work together in the future on providing ads on their properties beyond Facebook, but we have no current timeline for when we might start working on that.”




gloria 英語 → 日本語

Yesterday Sina Weibo launched the latest two:

game.weibo.com – The long awaited Sina Weibo Game Center is finally online, but sharing is only to your ‘friends’ as Weibo continues to push for shared social relations.
credits.weibo.com – Sina’s rumored virtual currency Weibi (微币) is now live. Virtual currency seeks virtual goods.

With launch of Game Center and Weibi, Sina Weibo is now testing 4 monetization models out of the 6 that Sina CEO Charles Chao announced earlier this year at the China International Mobile Conference. We’ve previously reported on e-commerce, data services, and virtual goods.


昨日、Sina Weiboは以下の最新の2つをリリースした:

game.weibo.com-待望のSina Weiboのゲームセンターがついにオンラインになった。ただしWeiboは共有ソーシャル・リレーションを推進しているため、「フレンド」にだけシェアできるようになっている。

ゲームセンターとWeibiのリリースで、Sina Weiboは現在、SinaのCEOのチャールズ・チャオが今年初めにチャイナ・インターナショナル・モバイル・カンファレンスで発表した6つのうち4つの収益化モデルをテストしている。当社は以前にeコマース、データ・サービス、バーチャル・グッズについて報告した。

gloria 英語 → 日本語

1) Game Center – Social Games for Your Weibo ‘Friends’

Game Center is designed to be fully integrated within Sina Weibo. Each game has achievements that prompt the user to invite or ‘challenge’ his followers to play. It’s trying to trigger the same viral spread that social games have on other social networks.

Intriguingly, only ‘friends’ receive these invites. As we’ve covered before, Weibo defines friends as those who are mutual followers. In Game Center, you see all recent activities on a timeline called “Game Stories.” Friends can comment and “Like” your achievements in playing games.



ゲームセンターはSina Weibo内に完全に組み込まれる設計となっている。各ゲームには、ユーザーのフォロワーにプレイするように招待したり"挑戦"したりするよう促す達成項目がある。ソーシャル・ゲームが他のソーシャル・ネットワーク上で持つのと同じバイラルスピード(訳注:バイラルとはウイルスが拡散するように爆発的に拡散すること)を持たせようとしているのだ。
