Jason Chen (giantchen)

約4年前 男性
中国語(簡体字) (ネイティブ) 英語
法務 ビジネス

As an experienced corporate legal advisor and translator, I have more than 20 years of legal experience, outstanding foreign language skills, and good international cooperation experience. Having worked for several major MNCs and lived in Canada for more than 5 years, I am also a part-time translator of various Chinese translation companies and translation platforms, have good cooperation experience with them, expert at the translation of documents and materials in the field of law, business, finance, and other western culture works. It is my pleasure to provide best service for you.


言語ペア 分野 経験年数 詳細(翻訳内容など) 翻訳例
英語 → 中国語(簡体字) 法務 20~25年 expert at Chinese law, common law and international law
英語 → 中国語(簡体字) ビジネス 20~25年 good understanding of business management , in particular international business
中国語(簡体字) → 英語 法務 20~25年 expert at Chinese law, common law and international law
中国語(簡体字) → 英語 ビジネス 20~25年 good understanding of business management , in particular international business


レベル & 言語ペア Market依頼
(完了数 / 作業中数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
Standard 英語 ≫ 中国語(簡体字) 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter 中国語(簡体字) ≫ 英語 0 0  / 0 0  / 0