I have asked you to accept a few small misshipments here and there for 2010. They are insisting we give them an additional 10% discount on top of the 20% we already give them. Or we can return the overshipped garments at his expense. As you know, we have each of our factories separate out the units on order for Japan so we can ship direct from the factory. After the first season of doing this, which I believe was for 2009, every single factory complained about how tedious it is to take the time to pull out such small units from the orders. I have repeatedly told you that this is a major problem, and that they need to order at least 6 pcs per colorway.
6. Car rental company SIXT's German agency came up with a novel super-solution to get its rental deals seen by visitors at the Hamburg airport.What makes this so innovative is not just making very affordable use of an existing platform, the Wi-Fi network, but that its target audience (professionals) was arguably the group most likely to be accessing that platform.Besides being a case study in clever guerrilla marketing, this is a great example of using the tools already at your disposal.
10. Dutch agency Novocortex managed to get its online insurance client a ton of press -- and traffic -- with a simple guerrilla marketing campaign that went viral, and cost less than 1,000 euros.Using static paper "stickers," motorists were fooled into thinking their cars had been scratched. But the sticker is really an ad for the insurance company.The agency didn't stop there. It put videos of tricked drivers online and offered stickers to viewers so they could fool their friends.The stickers ran out after two days as the public willingly spread the message across the Netherlands, which, as we all know, is pretty much the Holy Grail of any marketing campaign.
10. オランダの広告代理店Novocortexは保険のオンライン広告キャンペーンを、ウィルス並みの早さで広めて大成功をおさめた。これはシンプルなゲリラマーケティングであったが、このキャンペーンのコストは1000ユーロ以下にもかかわらず、膨大なプレスリリース(およびトラフィック)が広告主に寄せられた。静電気を利用して張り付く紙のステッカーを車体に貼り付けることで、車体が擦られたと運転手をあわてさせたが、このステッカーには、車体の傷を装って、じつは保険会社の広告が記載されていたのであった。広告代理店はさらに、あわてる運転手を撮影したビデオをオンライン上で公開し、一般視聴者に、友人をこの冗談に巻き込んで驚かすように仕向けたのであった。このステッカーは、オランダ国内の視聴者が面白がって広めたことから、2日後には在庫がなくなった。オランダはいかなるマーケティングキャンペーンの対象としても、成功が非常に困難なマーケットであることを特筆しておきたい。
8.UNICEF took a very ordinary object -- a water vending machine -- and made it startling by filling it with bottles of disease-laden H2O to enlighten New Yorkers about how something we take for granted is not such a luxury in the developing world.While stopping passersby in their tracks with choices of malaria, cholera and typhoid-flavored "Dirty Water," the UNICEF staffers then got the message across that $1 is enough to ensure a child gets access to clean water for 40 days -- a simply bottled message that saw the donations roll in.It was a clever way to convey an issue, confronting those that live a life of luxury with stark realities from other parts of the world.
9. et's face it -- any change from the mind-numbing daily commuting routine is a bonus, and Volkswagen really delivered the goods with this installation that offered the "Fast Lane" option.</p><p>While the speed message suits a car marque well, so too the sense of fun suits the brand message of the particular car being promoted, the Polo GTi.Other parts of this campaign saw skateboards attached to shopping carts and an elevator pimped out as a space shuttle -- all slightly anarchic ways of spicing up daily life and all quite memorable.
9. 毎日の退屈な通勤通路にちょっとした変化をもたらすものは、なんでも歓迎というのが運転手の本音であろう。Volkswagenは「Fast Lane(追い越し車線)」オプションのインストールを提供することで、うまく消費者の心を捉えた。</p><p>最高速度のメッセージは高級車には良く似合うものだが、さらにグレードアップした、Polo Gtiには、もっと最新の楽しいメッセージがよく似合う。このキャンペーンは、このほかにも、買い物カートにくっついたスケートボードや、スペースシャトル発信音のエレベータなど、すべてが日常を少し逸脱した、アナーキーなものではあるが、一度見たら忘れられないものでもある。
I was wondering if you were able to find the type of heel that he was looking for?For now, could you send me over all photos and photo of the heel that you suggested, when you were at the exhibition, as manufacturable ? Also, could you send me price lists of each material with which he wished to make. If it is possible, can you also send me photos of manufacturable colours by email? Last but not least, can you please send me the order confirmation at your earliest convenience?
Thank you for following up the matter with emails. I was visiting Tokyo to attend the exhibition. The weather is getting cooler recently and I caught cold on the last day of the exhibition. Although I saw some young people in short sleeves and short pants. I will be getting in touch with you with confirmation, after I check it with him, about the matter mentioned below. Could I ask you to confirm that minimum number of order is 70 pieces per colour? Would it be possible to order total 70 pieces that consist of several colors with minimum number of 6-8 pieces per color?
A:考えてみた。ボクとお金の関係について。A:・・・(預金通帳を眺めながら)A:ぺってしたい。(預金通帳を投げる)B:キャッチ!(預金通帳をキャッチする)B:投げちゃダメだ!A:かっつぁん!(<=お金のことに詳しい親友)B:ハイ、大切な通帳(預金通帳を返す)B:ブンはお金のこと投げちゃうの?A:ボクはお金と仲良しになりたいよ。 好きな仕事をやって、稼いで、みんなと幸せを共有したい。
A: I thought about relationship between me and money.A: …. (A is looking at his bank book)A: I feel like spitting. (A tosses away his bank book)B: I got it! (B catches the bank book)B: No, don’t toss it away!A: Ah, Katsuan ! (A friend of A with good knowledge of finance matters)B: Here is your precious bank book (B returns the bank book to A)B: Bun, are you throw away the money matters?A: Well, to be honest, I really wish to be a good friend of money. I wish I could earn by doing a job that I would enjoy, and then want to share my happiness with everybody.
B:そうそう。そうだよ。難しく考えることないよ。 なりたい関係を築こうとする気持ちが大事なんだよ。A:うん。お金って切っても切れない縁があるから、 いい関係を築きたい。B:お金のコトだから、困難な時もあるだろう。 そんな時、お金に対してどう振舞うの?。A:ボクとお金は信頼しあっていくの。 だからボクは無駄遣いしない。 お金に対して約束する。
B: That is right indeed. You do not need to think about the money matter in complicated way. The important thing for you is to value your wish for the good relationship with money and trying to build the relationship.A: True. I would like to have good relationship with money, because it is very significant and without the relationship many things can stand still. B: I guess all relationships can go though difficult time, even if it is between you and money. How do you treat money when things are not going as good as you would like to?A: I say trust between I and money is important. I do not abuse it. I make a promise to money.
For example, it has <”play the music CD”, (play-music-cd [cd- player-device] [speaker-device])> for playing a music CD. So, to set up the action play-music-cd it looks for CD players and speakers and sets those particular devices into the planner. Also, English templates for each possible planner step are used to create explanations in natural language. The matching between two phrases are made using EventNet’s semantic link algorithm.
たとえば、音楽CDを再生するために、<” play the music CD(音楽CD を再生)”, ([play-music-cd(play-music-cd(音楽-CD-再生) [cd- player-device (CD-プレーヤー-装置)] [speaker-device(スピーカー-装置)])>というテキストを持ちます。よって、音楽CDの再生というアクションを設定するには、CDプレーヤーとスピーカーを探して、これらの機器をプランナに設定します。また、ありえるプランナの各ステップにある英語のテンプレートを使用して自然言語で説明を作成します。2つのステップを組み合わせるには、EventNetの意味論のリンクアルゴリズムが使用されます。
We do not assume that action sequences will never fail. Problems inherent to devices - malfunctions or misunderstandings between the user and Roadie - might emerge. Debugging consists of looking for the causes of unexpected results. For each step, we can show why the step is important, how the user can perform the step, what the consequences are of not doing this step, what the results are of performing it, and the things that might go wrong while trying to perform the step. If the user does not find this information sufficient to solve the problem, the system can automatically send queries to online search engines, user manuals, user group forums, etc.
Collaborative or mixed-initiative interfaces are software agents that cooperate with the user to satisfy goals. The outstanding system within this paradigm is Collagen. Collagen works by having two avatars, one representing an agent and the other the user. Both agents can communicate by directly manipulating a shared user interface. Task models are used to map high-level goals into concrete device operations. We were inspired by many of Collagen’s interaction features in the design of Roadie.
Learning from user’s habits can be done in two ways. First, we can raise the weight of the links when goals are chosen and lower them when they are not chosen. Also, since Roadie can show the output of EventNet’s temporal traces, the user should be able to mark the output links that are incorrect. A learning facility would also allow us to streamline the interface in the case that the user wants to perform simple tasks that they already know how to do and the system behaves as expected.
We are reaching a crisis with design of user interfaces for consumer electronics. Flashing 12:00 time indicators, push-and- hold buttons, and interminable modes and menus are all symptoms of trying to maintain a one-to-one correspondence between functions and physical controls, which becomes hopeless as the number of capabilities of devices grows. We propose instead to orient interfaces around the goals that users have for the use of devices.We present Roadie, a user interface agent that provides intelligent context-sensitive help and assistance for a network of consumer devices.
Roadie uses a Commonsense knowledge base to map between user goals and functions of the devices, and an AI partial-order planner to provide mixed-initiative assistance with executing multi-step procedures and debugging help when things go wrong.Current consumer electronics are getting more and more complicated, threatening to outstrip the competence that can be reasonably expected from their intended users. For example, a typical consumer camera, the Canon S500, has 15 buttons, two dials, 4 x 2 mode switches, 3 menus of 5 choices in each mode, each with two or three values, 7 on-screen mode icons, etc.
ローディは常識的知識ベースを使用してユーザーのゴールと機器の機能をマップします。さらに人工知能半順序プランナによって、複数段階にわたるプロセスを実行しながら、機器の機能とユーザーの判断の両方を考慮した混合判断アシスタンスを提供します。また、問題が発生した場合には、デバッグを実行してユーザーを助けます。現在の消費者家電製品は飛躍的に複雑になりつつあり、意図したユーザーが備えていると予想される能力のレベルを上回るほどになっていることが懸念されます。たとえば、典型的な一般使用者を対象としたカメラであるCanon S500は、15種類のボタンと、2つのダイヤル、それぞれ4種類のモードがある2つのモード変換スイッチ、しかも各モードには5つの選択肢がある3つのメニューがあり、それぞれが2-3種類の値から選択が可能で、さらに画面上には7つのモードアイコンが並んでいます。
We attribute the growing complexity of consumer electronics interface design to the desire to maintain the one-to-one correspondence between functions and controls that worked well for simpler devices. But as the number of functions of a device grows, controls get overloaded, leading to heavily-moded interfaces, push-and-hold buttons, long and deep menus, and other confusing and error-prone interface elements. The next generation of consumer electronics devices will incorporate processing and networking, making things potentially more complex if we stick to manual operation, but also opening up new possibilities for automating co-operation between multiple devices.
We propose to re-orient the interface around the goals of the user, rather than the functions of the device. Something, then, has to map between the user’s goals and the concrete functions of the device. We propose to fill this gap with Roadie, an interface that makes use of Commonsense knowledge and a partial-order planner to give the user proactive advice, automate complex tasks, and provide debugging help when things go wrong.It is not only the “normal operation” of the device that users need help with. There are other scenarios associated with consumer devices that users need help with.
The advent of powerful computing and communication in devices gives us the potential of providing help with these scenarios, as well as merely invoking functions of the device.In this paper, we present Roadie, a prototype consumer electronics interface oriented towards the needs of non-expert users. The project name comes from the person who is in charge of setting up the audio and video devices during music concert tours.At the top of the interface are the suggested goals. When the user picks one of the options, the planner calculates a plan to reach the goal. The answer is mapped to English by the device interface, and rendered by the user interface, highlighting the action that is going to be executed next.
Unfortunately, the manufacturers have not started to build devices that fully comply with this standard. Furthermore, they sometimes do not fully expose to the applications programmer all the necessary controls and states to accomplish a given task. Some manufacturers are interested in implementing sets of branded devices that coordinate using a proprietary protocol that prevents systems like Roadie from fully implementing general interaction with the device.
Roadie is designed to operate with devices that 1) provide means to control their functions, and 2) that can query their state by external software. The first requirement allows Roadie to control the devices on the user’s behalf; the second allows Roadie not only to watch the state changes of the devices and interpret them as the user’s actions, but it also monitors the devices by looking for direct user interaction.Unfortunately, the devices available to us at this time do not meet these two requirements. The devices’ manufacturers are aware of this problem and created the UPnP [15] standard.
ローディは、1)機器の機能をコントロールする方法を提供し、2)外部ソフトウェアを使用して機器の状態を問い合わせる、という形で機器を操作することを目的に設計されます。第1の要件は、ユーザーに代わって機器をコントロールすることを可能にし、第2の要件は、機器の状態が変更したことを監視して、ユーザーのアクションとして解釈するだけでなく、機器を監視して、ユーザーの直接操作を必要とする状況を検知します。残念なことに、現時点で私たちが入手できる機器は、前述の2つの要件を提供しません。これに気が付いた機器の製造企業は、この問題に対してUPnP [15] 標準を作成しました。