Hello.I have checked the tracking.As you pointed out, it is under the inspection at the customs.It is not usually stopped at the customs in Canada, though.Anyway, I will demand an inspection 2 weeks after the dispatch.I will get the answer a few weeks later, and if it is judged as an article under an embargo, I will pay you back.It is usually delivered without any problem, though luck is sometimes needed.Please understand the situation.About the repayment in case of the item undelivered, I cannot do anything until I get the answer.Delivering takes long time in Australia postal service, so there have been some cases where the item arrives after the repayment.Thank you.
Thank you for your quick reply.I would like to purchase a few of item A, so could you please tell me how many of them do you have in stock?In any case, I have decided to buy item A and item B, and I would like to pay by PayPal.Could you please send me a bill?I appreciate your offering item C as well.I have a few items that I would like to buy, so I will let you know about this later.
Could you tell me what price would you offer if I pay by PayPal?Also, could you tell me how much the shipping cost will be?