I don’t know why I don’t get the refund despite your cancellation on eBay but I have checked with PayPal and was told that the order hadn’t been cancelled or got refund. There is a possibility that eBay and PayPal are not well linked, therefore I suggest that you check with eBay. If you can’t refund through eBay, I will continue the refund procedure through PayPal. I appreciate your understanding.
Have you gotten the stock of the item that I ordered? If so and the item has already been shipped, please let me know the tracking number. If you haven’t gotten the stock yet, please let me know when you can do so.
As we were told that the amazon.com had decided to stop selling our products and that the details were on the “seller central”’s performance section, I checked my account situation. However we don’t see anything wrong with our numbers. Please let us know more in details. Although we’ve been receiving numbers of messages, they all lack any details and we don’t know what to do.
Do you mind if I enter your room to clean up at 1pm today? We apologize for your inconvenience but appreciate your understanding.
Amazonご担当者様この度はご迷惑をおかけしまして誠に申し訳ございません。今回の「A-to-z」についての経緯を報告いたします。今回、購入者様から到着しないと報告がありました。こちらについてですが、商品は追跡可能郵便で発送しております。下記サイトより確認いただけます。日本郵便のSAL便で送っており、平均すると2週間程で購入者様に配達されます。また、到着予定日も、2018年5月2日 - 2018年5月17日となっており、まだ到来しておりません。
Dear Amazon,I’m sorry for the trouble. Regarding “A-to-z”, I have received a complaint from a customer that the shipment hadn’t arrived. The package is traceable from following site. We’ve sent it through SAL service, which is provided by Japan Post service. The average delivery time is about two weeks. The product should arrive arrive between May 2nd to May 17th. Currently it should be on its way.
If the customer couldn’t receive the product for some reason, such as getting lost on its way, I’m happy to refund.I appreciate if you wait at this point.Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.