吉田 隆 (akutaya) 翻訳実績

日本語 英語 中国語(簡体字)
akutaya 英語 → 日本語

How quickly do you ship your items after receiving payment?
What shipping service do you plan to use? Are you going to use tracking or delivery confirmation?
Are you using PayPal to receive payments? If no, what method do you plan to use?
Do you have any other eBay accounts?
If you are a registered business, please fill out these additional questions:

What is the name of your business?
How long have you been in business?
Do you have a website?
Do you sell on any other website, including your own? If yes, how much experience do you have with selling on the internet?
Do you have employees who help you sell on eBay? If so, how many?




akutaya 英語 → 日本語

The new hires at Foxconn were reportedly requested by Apple to boost capacity in anticipation of its next flagship smartphone. In addition to assembling the "iPhone 5S," the employees are also expected to handle existing models, such as the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S.

Rumors as to when Apple plans to launch its next iPhone have been varied, with some expecting a new handset to be unveiled as soon as June, which would mark less than a full year after the launch of the iPhone 5. In contrast, well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo told AppleInsider last week that he expects Apple to face a number of technical challenges in assembling the "iPhone 5S."


フォックスコンの新規雇用は噂によると次世代の主力スマートフォンを見越したキャパシティーを増加させるためにアップルが要求したことです。"iPhone 5S"の組立に加えて、従業員はiPhone 5やiPhone 4Sなどの既に存在しているモデルを扱うことを期待されています。

アップルが次のiPhoneをいつ発売するつもりなのか、という噂はiPhone5の発売から一年以内だと目されており、6月にも発表されると予想されている新しいハンドセットとともに変化しています。対照的に、有力なアナリストであるMing-Chi Ku氏は先週、アップルは"iPhone 5S"を作るためい数々の技術的な困難に直面している、という予測をAppleinsiderに語った。

akutaya 英語 → 日本語

We recently added PowerPoint upload function to the Conyac Translation Service. It is a new feature that enables companies to translate presentations easily and quickly. We celebrated this new feature, with a new company log page: LINK

Businesses can use this website for the worldwide promotion of their companies and products. They simply send us their presentation which will be translated by Conyac translators.

First 20 companies that send their presentations to support@any-door.com will get a free translation of up to 10 slides. We will also post the presentations to our or our website, which would give the businesses additional exposure.

Hurry up and get your free translation: LINK


私たちは、最近Conyac翻訳サービスにパワーポイントのアップロード機能を追加しました。これは速く、簡単にプレゼンテーションを翻訳できるきのうです。新しいログページでお祝いしています。: LINK



急いで、無料翻訳をてにいれてください。: LINK

akutaya 英語 → 日本語

Then Titius arrived from Syria with additional ships and a large army; and all these had landed at Proconnesus.So Pompeius became alarmed and burned his own ships and armed his oarsmen, believing that he could fight to better advantage with all of his forces combined on land. Cassius of Parma, Nasidius, Saturninus, Thermus, Antistius, and the other distinguished men of his party who were still with him as friends, and Fannius, who held the highest rank of all, and Pompeius' father-in‑law, Libo, when they saw that he did not desist from war against superior forces even after Titius, to whom Antony had given entire charge, had arrived, despaired of him, and, having made terms for themselves, went over to Antony.



akutaya 英語 → 日本語

The surveillance suite is installed after the target accepts installation of a fake update to commonly used software.Code which will install the malware has also been detected in emails.The software, which is designed to evade detection by anti-virus software, has versions which work on mobile phones of all major brands.
A security flaw in Apple's iTunes allowed unauthorized third parties to use iTunes online update procedures to install unauthorized programs. Gamma International offered presentations to government security officials at security software trade shows where they described to security officials how to covertly install the FinFisher spy software on suspect's computers using iTunes' update procedures



akutaya 英語 → 日本語

B. use accidentally beat the drop caused by the fault
C. caused by failure due to lack of reasonable maintenance
D. did not fault the correct guidance and instructions for use

1) Every spare part is high-nicety device, during using or finish using,be sure to maintain them carefully, to avoid shortening their using lifes, please slightly take and place them when using, and holding their handles, be sure not to only hold their cables, which will induce the inside joints of spare parts loosen, then make poor connecting and short circuit.
2) After using the spare parts, please don’t place them randomly. Please clean them by the clean cloth with washing-up liquid, especially clean the rudimental products




akutaya 英語 → 日本語

The multitude cried out "Well said";whereupon Octavian descended from the platform in anger.The soldiers gathered round the tribune,praising him and railing at those who did not join with them,and the tribune said that he alone would suffice to defend so just a cause.After saying this he disappeared the following day, and it was never known what became of him.The soldiers no longer dared to give utterance to their complaints singly,but joined together in groups and called for their discharge in common.Octavian conciliated their leaders in various ways.He released those who had served at Philippi and Mutina, and who wished to be discharged, as their time had expired. These, to the number of 20,000,he dismissed



akutaya 英語 → 日本語

(9). While beginning the operation, ensure the handle is position at 90 degree
(vertical) to the skin; this is to avoid unease feeling by user
(10). To begin operation, first probe the head to the skin, and then switch on the main power switch. Switch the energy regulation of the mode of operation to a minimum, and then slowly increase the intensity.

5. Instrument Systems Instruction
Boot display and see Welcome screen, free to click on the screen to enter the
function interface.

B. use accidentally beat the drop caused by the fault.
C. caused by failure due to lack of reasonable maintenance.
D. did not fault the correct guidance and instructions for use.

8. Technical Specifications






akutaya 英語 → 日本語

4. Ultrasonic
Refers to sound waves that is not audible to the human ear. Normal hearing can hear the sound waves of 16-20 kHz (KHZ), lower than the 16 kHz sound waves known as infrasound or sub-sonic, more than 20 kHz sound waves called
ultrasound. The vibrational wave mechanical effects, thermal effects and
bio-chemistry effects.

4. In accordance with the muscle texture sliding compact buttocks skin. Shape the hip circle slides back and forth. Perfect curve.
1. First slide up and down, pushing the bladder nerves 2-3 times.
2. The role of circular motion in the axillaries lymph nodes.
3. Counter-clockwise circular motion, sliding, burn fat.





akutaya 英語 → 日本語

The reason why I became a translator at Conyac was simple. Registering as a translator was easy, and as soon as I have done some settings, I could start translating and actually earning some money. No test is required as translators get verified by their actual translation projects. This process is not only quick, but also fun, as it's much more pleasurable translating real documents then filling out a test sheet.

It depends on the language and amount of characters in the request, but by translating one translation request that usually has around 150 words, you can earn around 50 points. 50 points is equivalent to $0.5 USD, therefore by translating around 10 short translation requests gives you $5 USD.




akutaya 英語 → 日本語

It isn't as much as you would earn working full time for a translation agency, but it’s a great opportunity to translate text that is needed by other people and improve translation skills at the same time.

If you are very skilled, you are entitled to translate better paid Premium and Business requests. They require higher standard than general requests, therefore I feel the responsibility of the work I am doing and I'm proud of every point that I earn. At the end of the day, I have done a good job and I am happy I have earned enough money to purchase myself a reward for my effort.

If you speak more languages and want to earn some money easily, sign up as a Conyac translator and start your new job today: LINK



