Hello, I’m Adriana, an English to Spanish translator, who strives for delivering excellent projects in a customized manner. I am a biologist and hold a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies, thus as a freelance translator, I have experience in the editing and translation of scientific papers along with multiple types of content documents. I understand how important it is to maintain the original meaning of the texts, which is why with my skills I can provide guarantee for a meticulous and reliable translation.
言語ペア | 分野 | 経験年数 | 詳細(翻訳内容など) | 翻訳例 |
英語 → スペイン語 | サイエンス | 5~10年 | Given my background in Biology and Environmental Studies I am familiar with technical and scientific terminology, hence I can provide high quality and reliable translations of scientific documents from English to Spanish. |