We have received your applications and other documents. Just one more step. Please initial the highlighted areas on the Dealer Agreement and return to us at sales@com. Please note that we will provide written permission for small-private to sell our products on Amazon and eBay in the territory of Japan.
Thanks for contacting us. I understand that you want to get your selling rights back, since you were in vacation mode for four months.Upon checking your account that your account is in on vacation status. Since you want to get your selling rights back, you need to set your listing status to "Active".When you return from your vacation or are ready to sell again, simply go back to the Listings Status page, click the Edit button, select "Active" and then click "Update." Within 1 hour your listings will again be available for sale on B.Listings Status can be edited by users who have permission to manage inventory.
If you do not see the "Edit" button next to Listings Status, you don't have authorization to change the setting. Seller Central permissions are set by the account administrator within your company.If you have access to the primary Seller Central account, you can modify permissions here:Settings >Advanced Features >User Permissions.
リスティングステイタスの隣に「編集」ボタンが見当たらない場合、あなたには設定を変更する権限が無いということになります。Seller Centralの許可は、あなたの会社内にいるアカウントアドミニストレーターによって設定されています。primary Seller Centralアカウントにアクセスした場合は、以下の手順で許可状況を変更することができます。Setting(設定)>Advanced Features(拡張機能)>User Permissions(ユーザー許可)
Otherwise, consult with the account administrator within your company regarding authorization to manage inventory and edit your listings status.I'm sorry for making you take an additional step regarding this issue, it's just to ensure we provide you a clear resolution to avoid any discrepancy.We request your cooperation and understanding on this regard and thank you very much for being such a valuable part of B.Thank you for your diligence in this matter.We love our sellers! Let us know how we did:Were you satisfied with the support provided?
If I pay for this product, you will send him before the day 06/11? Do you have it available in stock and is shipping to Brazil? Could you check? Thank you!
私がこの製品の代金を支払えば、11月6日までに彼に送ってくれますか? 在庫はありますか? またブラジルに送ってくれますか? 確認してくれませんか? よろしくお願いします!
The company’s new product WeDian is a mobile e-commerce platform where small vendors can open their own stores online and promote their products through various SNS platforms, like WeChat. Launched in Jan. this year, it has attracted vendors from 172 countries around the world as of September with visitors hitting 83 million per month. The total sales of the marketplace has reached 15 billion yuan (US$2.45 billion), according to Wang Ke, CEO and founder of the company.
当企業の新製品であるWeDianは、小規模業者が自らの店をオンライン上に出店し、自分たちの製品を、WeChatのような様々なSNSプラットフォームを介して宣伝することができる、モバイルEコマースプラットフォームである。今年1月にスタートしたWeDianは、世界172か所の業者から注目を浴びており、9月現在、1か月の訪問者数は8,300万である。当企業の創立者でありCEOのWang Keによると、当市場の総売上高は150億元(2,450億米ドル)に達しているという。