彼とは部下に対する思いや、価値観が全く違うため、アニメ内で仲良くしている描写はありません。元親が明るく少し騒がしい性格であるため、静かで落ち着いた環境を好む元就とは彼は天下を治めるよりも、自分の国や一族を守ることを大切に思っているため、国を攻めてくるToyotomi Hideyoshiには強く対抗します。そんな彼ですが、部下たちはそういった考え方があったからこそ、自分たちの国が平和であったと理解しており、意外にも部下達からの信頼は厚いです。
In the animation, we can not find any discription that he keeps fair with his subordinates, because his thoughts and values are different from their's. As Motochika has a little bit boisterous nature, he does not get along with Motonari who prefers a quiet and calm atmosphere.He fight heavily to Toyotomi Hideyoshi who attacks his territory, as he places importance on secure his territory and his clan. Being this kind of person, his subordinates understand that their country has been peaceful thanks to this insight, so surprisingly they put a strong faith in him.
Expand sales by installing standard contents for the elderly to the tablet devicesReach to an integrated purchasing for business operatorsIntroduce A company's nursing care product and food items for the families who care for the elderyProvide employment agency solutions for pharmacistsProvide financing services for business operators in nursing careSupport the branding for the eldery by posting medical/nusring care contents on web pages Spread awareness about the products by displaying advertisements on our website, e-mail newsletters, etc. Unify nursing care businesses's purchasing to A company, by adding a purchasing feature to Renkei-kun.
Crowd-funding in Japan - A project to support Remy Gardner, who aims to become a world champion of road racing, the highest peak in motorcycle racings Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix, MotoGP is the premier championship of road racing for which all the motorcycle riders have a longing. Remy Gardner actually takes part in the Spanish Championship and begins to make remarkable progress. He is a 13 year's boy who moves from his native land, Australia to prosperous Spain for motor sports. He continues his challenge aiming to become a future world GP champion.
Moriwaki Engineering Co., Ltd. which has technically supported Lemy Gardner, accepted application for Japanese supporters on CAMPFIRE to appeal for financial support, after having received requests from Wayne Gardner, a birth father of Lemy Gardner and world champion of WGP in 1987. Unfortunately, the effort only ended in failure.
3Dスタジオ「CUBE」WIRED誌の名物編集長であり、 ロングテール理論の提唱としても知られるクリス・アンダーソンの新著「MAKERS(メイカーズ)」が発売され、モノづくり、デジタルファブリケーションに関する話題を耳にする機会が増えている。
3D studio 'CUBE'A new book of Chris Anderson, the popular chief editor of WIRED and also known as the advocate of the Long Tail, was released and occasions are increasing for people to hear the topics about the manufacturing and digital fabrication.
Last November,3Dstudio 'CUBE' opened at Shibuya, Tokyo. It provides a place to test expensive 3D Printers and 3D scanners, which are inaccessible for an individual person. According to 3Dstudio, it is going to hold workshops and coursework for individual users by using 3D Printer and 3D scanner. CUBE is located on the second floor of a building in which occupies 'FabCafe', a laser catter placed cafe run by Loftwork.
CUBEに設置してある機器たちは以下のようなラインナップとなっている。●設置機器・3D プリンタ各種:3D Systems 社(米国)製(Projet シリーズ、Vflash ほか)・3D スキャナ各種:Breuckmann 社(SmartSCAN-HE、Body-SCAN)、S3 スキャナ(米国)・各種 3D ソフト:FreeForm(米国)、rapidformXOR/XOV(韓国)、その他 3D-CAD/CG
The equipment installed in CUBE:EquipmentA large variety of 3D printers : manufactured by 3D Systems(US) Projet series, Vflash and othersA large variety of 3D scanners : manufactured by Breuckmann( SmartSCAN-HE, Body-SCAN), S3scanner(US)A large variety of 3D softwear : FreeForm(US),rapidformXOR/XOV(South Korea), 3D-CAD/CG
The above image output by a 3D printer shows a plastic wrench. It is distributed to the participants of CUBE's opening ceremony hold in October. As shown in the image, a turning part of the rench at work was printed. We could see high-performance of 3D printer.
書籍「海賊のジレンマ」内にも3Dプリンターに関する記述が登場する。SONYやアディダス、BMWといった大手メーカーではすでに、社内製品のプロトタイプを作る際、3Dプリンターを使用しているということが書かれている。Design Thinking(デザインシンキング)の手法でも、プロトタイピングは重要な要素のひとつ。デジタルファブリケーションの技術によって、プロトタイプを作りやすくなるということは、それだけイノベーションも起こりやすくなるかもしれない。
There is a mention of 3D printer in the book 'Dilemma of Pirate'. It says that major manufacturers such as Sony, Adidas, BMW already use 3D printers when they prepare a prototype a in-house manufactured goods. Prototyping is also one of essential elements in Design Thinking method. The easiness of preparing a prototype by technology of digital fabrication might stimulate innovation.
3D studio CUBE which allows people to feel familiar to the most advanced equipments will be highly valued in Japan where a new wave of MAKERS seems poised to sweep the nation.
Mobcast acquires online game developer Enter Crews for US$7MSocial gaming platform Mobcast acquires online gaming developer Enter Crews for US$7 million in order to expand into Asia.On 7th January, social gaming company Mobcast announced its acquisition of online gaming developer, Enter Crews for US$7 million. The acquisition is an all-stock deal that will take effect on 1st February.The arrangement of the deal will see all common stock exchanged at a rate of 1 (Enter Crews): 11.88 (Mobcast) shares. Preferred stock will be exchanged at 1 (Enter Crews): 41.72 (Mobcast). Mobcast will be issuing 279,404 new shares as part of the deal.
Mobcastがゲーム開発会社Enter Crewsを700万ドルで買収ソーシャルゲームプラットフォームMobcastがアジアへの事業拡大のため、オンラインゲーム開発会社Enter Crewsを700万ドルで買収する。1月7日、ソーシャルゲーム会社MobcastはEnter Crewsの700万ドルでの買を発表した。買収は全額株式交換方式で行われ、2月1日に効力を生じる。買収は全額普通株交換で手配され、Enter Crewsの1株に対し、Mobcastの41.72株を割り当て交換する。Mobcasは買収の一部として新たに279,404株を発行する。
Enter Crews was founded in September 2009 and has offices in Japan, South Korea and Indonesia. B Dash Fund 1 Investment Limitted Partnership is the primary shareholder of Enter Crews. The game developer has popular titles such as Sangokushi Masters and Browser Ginga Taisen. Their users grew to about 300,000 in Japan and 170,000 in South Korea in just six months. Enter Crews has over 50 employees with about 70 percent of them coming from foreign countries such as South Korea, China, Indonesia, Canada and the United Kingdoms.
Enter Crewsは2009年9月にせつりつされ、日本、韓国、インドネシアにオフィスを置いている。B Dash Fund 1 Investment Limitted PartnershipがEnter Crewsの主要な株主だ。このゲーム開発会社はSangokushi Masters、Browser Ginga Taisen等の人気ゲームを開発しており、ユーザーはわずか半年で日本国内で30万人、韓国で17万人に達した。Enter Crewsは50名以上のスタッフを抱え、その7割は韓国、中国、インドネシア、カナダ、英国など外国から来ている。
With its acquisition of Enter Crews, Mobcast will be looking to continue its expansion plans as mentioned in their 2012 third quarter earnings announcement. According to the company spokesperson, the first focus would be on the South Korean market with the aim of growing it to match its current Japanese market. This will be made more efficient with the acquisition of Enter Crews, as the company has seen rapid growth in South Korea and has software development infrastructure already in place. Mobcast will be pushing its sports games and will also look to eventually expand into the rest of Asia.
MobcastはEnter Crewsの買収により、2012年第3四半期の収益発表の際に触れた通り、事業拡大計画の継続を図る。Mobcastの広報担当者によると、現在の日本市場に合わせた成長を目的としてまず韓国進出に焦点を当てる。Enter Crewsは韓国で急成長し、現地にすでにソフトウェア開発のインフラがあるため、同社の買収によって一層効果的な事業拡大が可能となる。Mobcastはスポーツゲーム開発促進と同時にアジアの他の地域への事業拡大も図る。
Despite being in a same space as larger competitors such as GREE and Mobage, which have passed the US$1 billion revenue mark, mobile platforms such as Mobcast and location-based platform COLOPL are making their mark as platforms to look out for.Mobcast is a mobile gaming platform listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Mothers market (“Market of the High-Growth and Emerging Stocks”). The company mainly offers sports titles on its MobApro platform. In its 2012 third quarter report, Mobcast announced that it currently has 2.7 million users as of October 2012. Its revenues has grown from US$23 million in 2011 to US$40 million in 2012.
収益額10億ドルの金字塔を打ち立てたGREEやMobageのような大手ライバル企業と同じ市場にいながら、Mobcastや位置情報ベースのプラットフォームCOLOPLは利益を追求するプラットフォームとして業績を上げている。Mobcastは東証マザーズ(急成長企業や新興企業株式の市場)に上場しているモバイルゲームプラットフォームだ。同社は主として自社のMobAproプラットフォーム場でスポーツゲームを提供している。2012年の第3四半期の報告でMobcast は2012年10月時点で270万人のユーザーを抱えていると発表した。収益は2011年の2300万ドルから2012年には4000万ドルに上がった。
Place of the exhibition, the Castle of Capalbio, is the ideal choice, and particularly evocative atmosphere charged with emotion and history, which includes regular exhibitions and events of interest and culture, shows to me organized over the past 10 years have always attracted interest for the works on display, this time around the castle it will be busy.
展示に関心のあるアーティストの方々への情報6作品まで。最大サイズ1m. X 1m. 絵画作品(油彩、水彩)、彫刻、混合技法(Mixed Techniques)、写真、デジタルアート設置 場内での作品の設置はいうまでもない理由から壁を利用することはできません。土台(ベース)が必要な作品については、詳細を明記し、設置許可を得る必要があります。参加者が人数に達し次第、申込みを締め切らせて頂きます。
On the following morning he sat as usual with his friends and gave orders that the doors be opened to those of his townsmen, guests, and soldiers who were accustomed to visit him and greet him, and he conversed with them all in his usual way, in no wise changing his daily routine.But Antonius called an assembly of his friends and said in their presence that the was aware that Octavian had even earlier been plotting against him,and that when he was to leave the city to go to the army that had come for him,he had provided Octavian with this opportunity against him.that one of the men sent to accomplish the crime had, by means of substantial bribes, turned informer in the matter;and hence he had seized the others;
翌朝、Octavian は普段の通り友人と席を共にし、彼を訪ねて挨拶するのが習慣になっている町民、客人、兵士らに対してドアを開けておくように命じ、日課を大きく変えることなく普段通り皆と会話を交わした。だがAntoniusは友人を呼んで会合を開き、彼らの前でOctavianが以前Antoniusの殺害を企てていたことにAntoniusは気づいていたこと、Octavianが彼を迎えに来た軍に向かうために町を離れようとした時、OctavianにAntoniusを殺害する機会を与えたこと、この犯罪を遂行するために送り込まれた男たちの1人が多額の賄賂を受け取って事件の密通者となったため、Antoniusが他の男たちを捕えたこと、
and he had now called his friends together to hear their opinions as to what should be done in the light of the recent events.When Antonius had spoken the members of his council asked to be shown where the men were who had been seized,so that the might find out something from them.Then Antonius pretended that this had nothing to do with the present business, since, forsooth, it had already been confessed to;and he turned the discourse into other channels,watching eagerly for someone to propose that they ought to take vengeance on Octavian and not quietly submit.However,they all sat in silent thought, since no apparent proof lay before them, until someone said that Antonius would do well to dismiss the assembly.
Antonius dismissed the assembly. Two days afterward, he set out for Brundisium to take over the army. There was no further discussion about the plot, and when he left, his friends who remained behind dismissed the whole matter, and no one ever saw any of the conspirators who were alleged to have been taken.Octavian, although now exonerated from the charge, was nonetheless chagrined at the talk about him, interpreting it as evidence of a great conspiracy against him. He thought that if Antonius had happened toget the army on his side by means of briges he would not have delayed in attacking him, not because he had been wronged in any respect, but simply led on to that course as an outcome of his former hopes.
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