翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / ネイティブ 英語 / 1 Review / 2014/09/23 13:03:05

ozsamurai_69 60 ー 日本語能力試験1級合格 ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式...








My apologies but, in the normal return process the goods must be return to Japan and checked prior to issuance of a refund.

All customers from across the world understand this point.

Regarding the shipping charge of the item, International Express Delivery is expensive,
so it will ship via normal Air Mail for a cost of $8.

If the return postage cost will be less than $20, we will return this cost to you when the goods have been returned.


Another product will become available soon, please wait a short while longer

We have already placed a large discount on this item, further discount is not easy.

レビュー ( 1 )

ilad 52 公文書(英日)、企業内部文書、社内マニュアル(英⇔日)、正規の翻訳会社から...
iladはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/09/23 13:30:34

My apologies but, in the normal return process the goods must be return to Japan and checked prior to issuance of a refund.

All customers from across the world understand this point.

Regarding the shipping charge of the item, International Express Delivery is expensive,
so it will ship via normal Air Mail for a cost of $8.

If the return postage cost will be less than $20, we will return this cost to you when the goods have been returned.


Another product will become available soon, please wait a short while longer

We have already placed a large discount on this item, further discount is not easy.

Our apologies but, in the normal return process the goods must be returned to Japan and checked prior to issuance of a refund.

All customers from across the world understand this point.

Regarding the shipping charge of the item, International Express Delivery is expensive,
so it will shipped via normal Air Mail for a cost of $8.

If the return postage cost will be less than $20, we will return this cost to you when the goods have been returned.


Another product will become available soon, please wait a short while longer

We have already placed a large discount on this item, further discount is not possible.



ozsamurai_69 ozsamurai_69 2014/09/23 13:39:56

As there is not indication of 当社 then "My" is appropriate. [So it will shipped via] is just VERY poor grammar. The only correction that was valid was the addition of 'ed' on the word return. I understand the これ以上の値引きは難しいです essentially means NO, but it is not what is written, therefore not incorrect, we translate what is written not interpret. I think you should check a little further in your revisions. Thank you.

ilad ilad 2014/09/23 15:21:12

OK. I understand what you mean. “will BE shipped “ is correct. I forgot about “be”. Sorry about that. Just a thought for you. In Japanese language, we often say 「難しい」 when we mean “NO” or “Impossible.” If you have a friend from Western countries, and if you say, to his suggestion, “It is not easy.” when you mean “NO”, your Western friend would misunderstand you and might say, “Not easy? OK then let’s find out how we can solve it.” The above translation is about business dealings. And the seller clearly means “no more discount”. In order to convey the meaning clearly to the other party in Western countries, I adjusted it as the above. It’s only my suggestion. It’s up to you if you accept it. Thank you for your response.
