翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2014/03/08 22:36:29

liee_i 50







-The electric products may require a transformer or a transformational plug. Transformer is not attached.
In case you need the one, you can buy from here.
-Previously, we told you to write this sentence as electric products need a transformer or a transformational plug, but have you write about it?
-It is all right from now, please be sure to put this sentence on the last part of item description for electric products.
From now on, I do the research. Please place it. Therefore, you don’t need to do the research, so we change your payment. It will be 10 dollars for 45 items.
Is it OK for you?

レビュー ( 1 )

ozsamurai_69 60 ー 日本語能力試験1級合格 ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式...
ozsamurai_69はこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2014/03/08 22:55:57

-The electric products may require a transformer or a transformational plug. Transformer is not attached.
In case you need the one, you can buy from here.
-Previously, we told you to write this sentence as electric products need a transformer or a transformational plug, but have you write about it?
-It is all right from now, please be sure to put this sentence on the last part of item description for electric products.
From now on, I do the research. Please place it. Therefore, you don’t need to do the research, so we change your payment. It will be 10 dollars for 45 items.
Is it OK for you?

-The electric products [may](必要) require a transformer or a [transformational plug] (transformer plug/adapter). Transformer is not attached. [Not included]
In case you need [the] one, you can buy from here.
[If you wish I can buy them myself here]
-Previously, we told you to write this sentence as electric products need a transformer or a transformational plug, [but have] DID you write about it?
-It is all right from now, please be sure to put this sentence on the last part of item description for electric products.
From now on, I WILL do the research. Please place [LIST] it. AS Therefore, you don’t need to do the research, [so] we WILL change your payment. It will be 10 dollars for 45 items.
Is THIS it OK for you?

poor grammar, sentence structure, too rushed perhaps??
