翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / 1 Review / 2014/01/21 20:57:07



それほど食べ物が美味しいのです。しかも、安い!!! そんな中でも大阪に来たら絶対に食べるべきなのが・・・たこ焼き






That tells how delicious the foods are. What's more, they are all cheap!! The one you especially cannot miss is....takoyaki!

What's takoyaki?

Takoyaki is a snack made of wheat flour, egg, and Japanese soup stock. It is cooked in a special iron plate, on which Takoyaki is rolled to be ball-shaped. It contains minced octopus.

Takoyaki Kitty

Kitty in an octopus costume is sitting on takoyaki.

レビュー ( 1 )

cold7210はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/02/03 15:44:52

That tells how delicious the foods are. What's more, they are all cheap!! The one you especially cannot miss is....takoyaki!

What's takoyaki?

Takoyaki is a snack made of wheat flour, egg, and Japanese soup stock. It is cooked in a special iron plate, on which Takoyaki is rolled to be ball-shaped. It contains minced octopus.

Takoyaki Kitty

Kitty in an octopus costume is sitting on takoyaki.

That tells how delicious the foods are. What's more, they are all cheap!! The one you especially cannot miss is....takoyaki!

What's takoyaki?

Takoyaki is a dumpling made of wheat flour, egg, and Japanese soup stock. It is cooked in a special hot iron plate, on which Takoyaki is rolled to be ball-shaped. It contains minced octopus.

Takoyaki Kitty

Kitty in an octopus costume is sitting on takoyaki.

備考: 冒頭の番号は内部管理番号なので翻訳の必要はございません