翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 41 / 1 Review / 2013/11/21 23:10:32

sincyan 41











Which had been thought to try shipped to Japan via the transfer company of American products that you have purchased from your company the other day.

However, it would stuck on U.S. export regulations, documentation is required.

The Mail becomes the following contents have been sent from the transfer company.

○ ○

For this content, I present the documents of attachment.

Then, there was a reply the following content.

○ ○

Documents seems to be still necessary.

If you leave the store any more, they will be returned to your company.

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 66
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2013/12/12 16:32:58

Which had been thought to try shipped to Japan via the transfer company of American products that you have purchased from your company the other day.

However, it would stuck on U.S. export regulations, documentation is required.

The Mail becomes the following contents have been sent from the transfer company.

○ ○

For this content, I present the documents of attachment.

Then, there was a reply the following content.

○ ○

Documents seems to be still necessary.

If you leave the store any more, they will be returned to your company.

I planned to ship American products that I had purchased from your company the other day to Japan via the transfer company.

However, it would stuck on U.S. export regulations, documentation is required.

The Mail becomes the following contents have been sent from the transfer company.

○ ○

For this content, I present the documents of attachment.

Then, there was a reply the following content.

○ ○

Documents seems to be still necessary.

If you leave the store any more, they will be returned to your company.
