翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 67 / ネイティブ 英語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/08/07 03:16:24

cuavsfan 67 I passed Japanese Language Proficienc...



Today my trip around the Tohoku area came to an end.
While there I met kind people, saw beautiful oceans and beaches, and ate delicious food. Best of all was the beautiful festival that greeted us upon our arrival. Thanks to all of this I had a truly enjoyable week. There were a lot of places I didn't have time to visit, but I'll look forward to them next time!
If just one person who reads this has their interest piqued about the Tohoku area then I will be happy. If possible, please visit the area yourself when you can. I bet there will be a lot of smiling faces waiting for you just like there were for me.

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