翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 74 / 0 Reviews / 2013/07/03 09:30:36

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Taking Social Translation to Europe: Conyac at ICT Spring in Luxembourg

Conyac team has just returned from Luxembourg, where we attended the ICT Spring Conference. At the 2-day event we learned about the latest ICT technologies and solutions, listened to inspiring keynotes, met many potential partners and introduced Conyac to the European market.

Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office in Tokyo invited us to attend the conference along with 9 other Japanese startups. Our Japanese group was warmly welcomed by members of the Luxembourg Consulate in Tokyo, Japanese Embassy in Luxembourg, government officials, financial experts and local business leaders.


ソーシャル翻訳をヨーロッパへ ~ルクセンブルグで開催されたICT SpringにConyacが出席

Conyacチームはちょうどルクセンブルクから戻ってきた。私達はICT Spring Conferenceに出席した。この2日間のイベントで、最新のICT技術やソリューションについて学び、刺激に富んだ基調講演に耳を傾け、可能性を秘めた多くのパートナーに出会い、コニャックを欧州市場に向けて紹介した。


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