Let me translate your literary texts from English to Spanish!

$8.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → スペイン語 英語 → カタルーニャ語
I'm a native Spanish speaker with high knowledge on ortography rules, so I assure you that you will be more than satisfied with the results.


スペイン語 英語 カタルーニャ語 日本語
Hello, my name is Pau. I'm a 18 year old student residing in Spain that has always had interest in languages. I'm native in Spanish and Catalan, and I also have a good English level (an equivalent to a C1 in the CEFR), so I offer to translate any english texts into these two languages (even though I'm positive Spanish would be much more requested!). I also have a B1 in French and an elemental Japanese level. Feel free to contact me if you are interested!