Allow me to assist you in opening new markets with Japanese<->English transcreation.

$12.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / ローカライズ全般
日本語 → 英語 英語 → 日本語
A catchy tagline, succinct phrase, or a presentation of services in a familiar manner can make or break a product's connection to its audience. Allow me to assist you in connecting to your desired market with my transcreation ability.
I will assist in the translation, localization, and transcreation of your product in order to facilitate a bond between your desired consumer base and your product.
10:00-20:00 JST


英語 日本語
ゲーム 文化 医療 文学
I seek to use my experience in Japanese<>English literature and electronic media translation and transcreation to synthesize high-fidelity, idiomatic translations in English. I make it my mission to treat the writer's thoughts with care in the transcreation process in order to deliver the best possible product.