My area of expertise lies in translating (from CHINESE to ENGLISH) on copy-writing, news articles, books on moral values (like, about Confucianism and Buddhism) and commercials, etc.

$50.00 / 1時間
ライティング / ライティング全般
中国語(繁体字) → 英語 Standard 英語 → 中国語(繁体字) マレー語 → 英語 マレー語 → 中国語(繁体字)
I am always particular on my translating work so that I produce quality translations.
I am good at translating articles on current world news, books on moral values (Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism) copy-writing and commercials.
I usually take on jobs from Mondays through Fridays (10.00am to 3pm - Malaysian Time) except on Malaysian public holidays.


中国語(繁体字) (native) 英語 マレー語
I am a certified translator (ENG < > CH <> MALAY) and have been translating for the past two decades. I specialized in translating current world news, books on moral values and traditional culture which includes Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. I also translate commercials, copy-writing, newsletters and advertisements. If there is a good opportunity, I would undertake to train new sprouting translating trainees. I have trained two translating talents in 2014-2015 -- one is a school teacher and the other a music PhD.