Allow me to edit and proofread your documents , speeches or ads before you have them published or released to the public.

1,000円 / 1時間
ライティング / ライティング全般
英語 タガログ語 → 英語 英語 → タガログ語
I am very particular with syntax and grammar and may be able to help you think of a title or catch phrase for your composition or ad.
I have done proofreading of scientific papers and speeches particularly checking the grammar.
20:00-22:00 (JST), Monday-Saturday.


英語 タガログ語 日本語
4 時間 / 週
A good day to everyone.
I am originally from Manila, Philippines and have settled in Japan after I married my Japanese boyfriend who was my classmate at the University of the Philippines.
While living in Japan , I had the opportunity of becoming an English Instructor in my city.
Also, for many years, I had the experience of emceeing several events in English like seminars , scientific conferences and social parties around Japan. I was also once an emcee for a friend's wedding.
A lot of narration were involved in these events so I am confident in applying for positions that involve narrating and emceeing be it in English or Tagalog. I also have the ability to change my voice depending on the narration needs.
I have also done some proofreading of private clients' research presentations in English. This also involved practicing them how to do their presentation.