Specialize in translating subtitles (including transcript), comics, article, and teaching materials.

$10.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
日本語 → 英語 日本語 → インドネシア語 Standard 英語 → インドネシア語
I`m a short filmmaker and Japanese teacher. I could localize and adjust translation suitably.
In translating, there are a lot of expressions and figurative sentences that require localization and context. I`m able to find suitable expressions and words in target language so it can be easily understood by the audiences
I`m usually online at 8AM - 3PM West Indonesian Time (GMT+7)


インドネシア語 (native) 英語 日本語
20 時間 / 週
Hello! My name is Rossi.

I`m a Japanese-Indonesian and Japanese-English translator with burning passion for language and literature.

Since I am a short film maker and also a Japanese teacher, I can make translations, especially subtitles and teaching materials, as well as other literary text that are accurate and well received by the audience.

Feel free to contact to discuss how I can assist with your translation needs.

私は日本語研修センターの日本語のパートタイム教師です。それに加えて短編映画の仕事(プロデューサー、Art Directorなど)もやっています。特に字幕、漫画、などの翻訳には自信があります。