A marketing specialist for translation, proofreading and post editing

$20.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
Standard 英語 → イタリア語 フランス語 → イタリア語
From English and French into Italian, I will help you translate and localize everything related to your company's marketing, from product descriptions to customer service, from terms and conditions to advertising campaigns.


イタリア語 (native) 英語 フランス語 ロシア語
音楽 文化 ファッション Arts 文学 美容 出版・プレスリリース 旅行・観光 法務 マーケティング 広告
I am a self-employed Italian translator, proofreader and post editor based in Zurich, and my working languages are English (mainly), French and German, the main language of the region I live in.
During University, I have gained specific expertise in literary translation Russian > Italian (fiction, nonfiction).
Over the years I have acquired a solid experience EN>IT and FR>IT in the field of translation and localization of content related to marketing, e-commerce, product description, customer support, terms and conditions and advertising materials. Recently I added app testing and machine translation post editing to my skills, which I believe represent a very interesting future outlet for the profession.