Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello, Ms. Kim.

Thank you very much for your email. I very much appreciate your help on this matter.
I would like to ask you a few questions.

- Can you give me a detailed breakdown of the charge KRW 3,960,000?

- I would like to buy a power converter in Japan because it will be easy to get it fixed or replaced in case it breaks in the future. I will also like the warranty and user manual to be in Japanese. Can you recommend me a manufacture or model?

- I do not understand what you mean here. "And do not change the power system of smartxide. Because it costs a lot. But can i have to buy the power converter is a send you. (110V-220V)A.V.R" Can you please explain what you mean?





- 3,960,000韓国ウォンの料金の明細を見せていただけませんか?

- 今後もし故障したときのために直したり交換しやすいように、日本で電力変換器を買いたいと思っています。また、日本語版の保証書と取扱説明書もあればほしいです。メーカーかモデルのおすすめはありますか?

- 次の文章の意味がわかりません。「そしてsmartxideの電力システムに充電しないでください。料金が高くつくからです。代わりに私が電力変換器を買ってあなたに送ることができます。(110V-220V)A.V.R」これはどういう意味か説明していただけますか?


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

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gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I do not like to leave bad feedback for people nor have I ever had a issue with any order of mine till now. Im not sure what to do at this moment but either return or get a refund or some how get this figure replaced. This isn't a cheap toy and I purchased it for my collector son and what to get him one that isn't damaged. I hope to get a reply soon! And thank you the item did ship fast its just the product was not in the condition it was suppose to be in. Hope to hear back soon I want to get this resolved as soon as possible because this was his Christmas gift. Thank You

