Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

There is a possibility that you will be charged additional customs fees on this reshipment, and if that is the case, please be sure to email us with a copy of that customs receipt so that we can reimburse you. I am sure you will look fabulous in this dress and I am glad that I could get it sent out to you!

I was also hoping that you could provide me with some additional information about the incorrect item that you received. There is a chance that I will not need you to send us back the incorrect item, and we do not want you to be inconvenienced any more than you have if it is unnecessary. There will be a white sticker on the packaging of this item you received.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The original factory box is in usable condition. Date Code 1-35 which is the 35th week of 1951. These vintage Rectifier Tubes are essentially high reliability high sound performance tubes. Superior Construction includes a four pin red brown tube base. It has a shoulder type tube envelope, top rectangular toothed mica, ribbed crimped spot welded black plates, top corner getter flash with single horizontal U Bar Halo. 5Z3 four pin rectifier tubes are tough, reliable and judged to be one of the best sounding of all rectifier tubes especially their ability to accurately reproduce the voice of an instrument over a wide bandwidth.


オリジナルの工場ボックスは使用可能な状態です。日付コード1-35は1951年の35週目を意味します。これらのビンテージ整流管はもともと信頼性の高いサウンドパフォーマンスの管です。スペリアーコンストラクションには4ピンの赤茶色の管ベースが含まれます。ショルダータイプの管エンベロープ、四角い歯型のマイカ、波型リブ付きのスポット溶接の黒いプレート、トップの角には単一水平Uバーハロー付きゲッターフラッシュがついています。5Z3 4ピン整流管はタフで信頼性が高くあらゆる整流管の中でもベストなサウンディングとされており、特にその広い帯域にわたり楽器の音を正確に再生する能力が評価されています。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

he tube has been tested for shorts, gas and Gm transconductance on my Hickok USM-118 Tube Tester. This tube tested 70 which

is in the very top range of test numbers for a NOS 5Z3 tube. This is the tester with a tube regulated power supply and it

uses “computer type” punch cards to test tubes. It has one feature that ensures accurate test results. The Operator

calibrates the tube tester using a “Calibration Cell” and test cards to ensure the tester is working properly. The 118 was used at major Military Repair Depots and the tester is calibrated to indicate a tube is OK if the tube would have what the


管は私のHickok USM-118管テスターを使ってショート、ガス及びGm相互コンダクタンスについてテスト済みです。この管のテストは70で、NOS 5Z3管については非常に高いランクのテストです。これは管で調整する電源供給を使ったテスターであり、「コンピューター型」のパンチカードを使って管のテストを行います。、テスターが正しく作動していることを保証するため、オペレーターは「カリブレーションセル」とテストカードを使って管テスターを行います。118は主要な軍事修理基地で使われていたもので、テスターは管が[・・・・]の場合に問題ないことを示すよう較正されています。
