ykse Translations

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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ykse English → Japanese
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That said, being the established leader in a huge market like India or China hasn’t historically guaranteed any amount of success with U.S. smartphone consumers — one just needs to look at case studies from the likes of Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo, or Xiaomi (which still hasn’t entered the U.S. phone market for fear of being sued up the river) to see the struggle. I don’t expect Micromax will fare any differently, if it decides to try entering the U.S. As far as most consumers in the States are concerned, Micromax is still a foreign brand that they have never heard of. Why buy it over Samsung or Apple, even at a reduced price point?


とはいえ歴史的に見て、インドや中国等の巨大な市場でトップの地位を確立したとしても、アメリカでのスマートフォン消費者の獲得が必ずしも約束されているとは言えない。Huawei、ZTE、Lenovo、や Xiaomi(Xiaomiは訴訟で刑務所行きになるのを恐れ未だにアメリカ市場に参入せず)を例にとってみれば苦戦を強いられているのが理解できるだろう。Micromaxにしても、アメリカ市場参入に当たり同じような結果となると考えざるを得ない。アメリカの消費者に関して言えば、Micromaxは聞いたこともない外国メーカーでしかなく、いくらか安値ではあるとしても、Samsung やAppleを差し置いて購入する人はどれだけいるだろうか?

ykse English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Shifting one’s frame of mind to time as an investment can significantly add clarity to an entrepreneur’s decision making. Time is like cash, and making decisions is like selecting investments. Each has different potential returns and risks, where the goal is to increase the odds of greatest return and to reduce the greatest risks.

To maximize your ROI on time, you must ask three questions with any decision, large or small: What are the upsides? What are the downsides? And, what are the odds of each? With proactive, mindful practice, you’ll gain the ability to quickly translate and weigh information to suss out where you should be investing your time and your company’s time.




ykse English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

At the TechCrunch Disrupt conference, Durov derided the Facebook-owned chat service, saying that its walled garden doesn’t let users keep their messages across whatever device they’re using. “If you have WhatsApp and your phone goes down, you don’t have access to your messages,” he said. “You can’t send documents and it’s not private. I’m not sure if I’m a big fan of WhatsApp three years ago, and not so sure now.”

WhatsApp has over 900 million monthly active users so it’s the industry’s top dog, but Durov isn’t hung up on the whole “releasing numbers” issue. The company last reported in May that it has over 62 million MAUs.


TechCrunch DisruptカンファレンスにおいてDurov氏は、Facebookが所有権を持つWhatsAppチャットサービスの閉鎖的な機能が、ユーザのあらゆるデバイスからのメッセージ管理を妨げているとして嘲笑した。「WhatsApp使用者は、携帯電話の充電が切てしまったらもうメッセージにアクセスができません。」と話す。「文書を送信することができませんし、プライベートな機能もありません。3年前にWhatsAppのファンだったかというと確信が持てませんし、現在はより自信がありません。」


ykse English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

On the issue of privacy, which seems to be a major selling point for Telegram, Durov was asked about if there’s exceptions to the rule. Specifically, he acknowledged that ISIS is using the service, so does it keep him up at night knowing that terrorists use it? “That’s a good question,” he started. “Privacy is ultimately more important than our fear of bad things happening, like terrorism. If you look at ISIS, yes, there’s a war going on in the Middle East. Ultimately, ISIS will find a way to communicate with its cells, and if any means doesn’t feel secure to them, they’ll [find something else]. We shouldn’t feel guilty about it. We’re still doing the right thing, protecting our users’ privacy.”



ykse English → Japanese
Original Text

From San Francisco to Shanghai, communities everywhere are taking to digital money transferring with gusto. And there’s a major social component to it too: Many apps, such as Venmo, integrate with bigger platforms as another way of broadcasting — or, some might say, boasting about — all of our activities.

So, as Venmo becomes to payments what Google is to search, how might this growing trend impact your business’ bottom line in the not-so-distant future? I recently took a more in-depth look at all the different types of money transfers on social. But in the bigger picture, here’s the gist of what’s in store.



ykse English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The Social Component of Currency Apps

Money-transfer apps are growing in quantity and sophistication. As a result, they are blending the utilitarian aspect of the digital financial exchange with a community-driven experience commonly associated with, or in some cases directly happening on, social networks.

As a free digital wallet, Venmo turns transactions into status updates that can be liked or commented on. People can find friends by granting the app access to their location or Facebook account, and those friends’ activity is then viewable in a Facebook-like news feed in the Venmo app.




無料の電子サイフとして 利用されるVenmoによって、単なる決済処理が、「いいね」やコメントの付けられるステータスアップデートへと移り変わっているといえる。位置情報やFacebookアカウントへのアクセスを承認すれば友人を探すことができ、Venmoアプリ内で使われている、Facebookのようなニュースフィード上で友人の活動が見られるようになるというわけだ。

ykse English → Japanese
Original Text

While Venmo has kept the social component in-app, on the other end of the spectrum is ChangeTip, which makes the experience inherently cross-network. The app lets users of Bitcoin (a digital currency) send and accept donations, tips, gifts, payments and rewards on a dozen platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Slack and SoundCloud.

The networks themselves have gotten into the game as well. Facebook’s peer-to-peer payment feature enables friends to exchange money via the Messenger app. All people need to do is add a US debit card to their Facebook account. But unlike Venmo or ChangeTip, keeping the transaction contained within Messenger prevents it from being a visible social experience.


