tt_au Translations

ID Verified
About 7 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tt_au English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Use a shortcut to create new query, add your favorite tabs to On Startup and have them open automatically when Nat launches, and use MacBook Pro Touch Bar to easily access Nat features and controls.

Code Snippet
Code fast with SQL hints.
N1 contains a collection of predefined snippets, or you can create your own custom snippets that you commonly-used. Drag a snippet into the SQL Editor and quickly reduce the amount of time spent on writing repetitive code and decreases the potential for errors. You can also add placeholders in a snippet, or make changes to the specific parts of a snippet by tabbing between the placeholders while modifying the snippets in your SQL.


ショートカットを使用して新しいクエリを作成し、お気に入りのタブをOn Startupに追加して、Natが起動すると自動的に開き、MacBook ProのTouch Barを使用してNatの機能やコントロールに簡単にアクセスできます。

N1にはあらかじめ定義されたスニペットのコレクションが含まれています。また、よく使用する独自のカスタムスニペットを作成することもできます。 スニペットをSQLエディタにドラッグすると、繰り返しコードを記述するのに費やす時間が短縮され、エラーの可能性が減少します。 また、プレースホルダをスニペットに追加したり、SQLのスニペットを変更している間にプレースホルダ間をタブでスニペットの特定の部分を変更したりすることもできます。

tt_au English → Japanese
Original Text

I'm sorry about this situation, $60 will not help me remedy this. The focusing screen is spotted with fungus, not dust. The catch on the waist level finder does not stay closed (probably why you shipped it with rubber bands). There is traces of mold on the body and I'm afraid of what it looks like internally. The lens is as described. The distance is unfortunate. I have purchased many cameras and lenses from Japan and they all looked like new, I expected this to be "excellent" as stated. Ebay told me I can return this for a full refund, this is my first choice.
I do thank you for getting it to me so quickly. I never give bad feedback.

