Olivia Villarreal (olivia_1957)

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Over 8 years ago Female 60s
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Law Accounting Energy
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Accounting [English ≫ Spanish]

Original text

Consolidated Balance Sheets
Toshiba Corporation and its subsidiaries
As of March 31, 2002 and 2001
Thousands of
U.S. dollars
Millions of Yen (Note 3)
Assets 2002 2001 2002
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents ¥ 370,432 ¥ 487,595 $ 2,785,203
Notes and accounts receivable, trade —
Notes (Note 5) 136,890 205,844 1,029,248
Accounts (Note 5) 976,037 1,018,246 7,338,624
Allowance for doubtful notes and accounts (26,780) (27,410) (201,353)
Finance receivables, net (Note 5) 190,912 222,976 1,435,429
Inventories (Note 6) 693,350 819,633 5,213,158
Prepaid expenses and other current assets (Note 15) 333,686 363,207 2,508,917
Total current assets 2,674,527 3,090,091 20,109,226
Long-term receivables and investments:
Long-term receivables 14,523 18,957 109,194
Long-term finance receivables, net (Note 5) 313,058 341,492 2,353,820
Investments in and advances to affiliates (Note 7) 132,974 132,485 999,805
Marketable securities and other investments (Notes 4 and 8) 230,300 252,303 1,731,579
690,855 745,237 5,194,398
Property, plant and equipment (Note 8):
Land 175,682 175,873 1,320,917
Buildings 1,168,861 1,157,875 8,788,429
Machinery and equipment 2,712,073 3,046,897 20,391,526
Construction in progress 92,594 66,539 696,195
4,149,210 4,447,184 31,197,067
Less—Accumulated depreciation (2,794,888) (3,007,428) (21,014,195)
1,354,322 1,439,756 10,182,872
Deferred tax assets (Note 15) 487,524 233,391 3,665,594
Other assets (Note 9) 200,554 216,089 1,507,925
¥5,407,782 ¥5,724,564 $40,660,015

Translated text

Toshiba Corporation y sus subsidiarias
Al 31 de marzo de 2002 y de 2001

Millones de yenes Miles de dólares de los EE.UU.
(Nota 3)
ACTIVO 2002 2001 2002
Activo corriente:
Caja y equivalentes de caja ¥ 370.432 ¥ 487.595 $ 2.785.203
Documentos y cuentas por cobrar, clientes -
Documentos (Nota 5) 136.890 205.844 1.029.248
Cuentas (Nota 5) 976.037 1.018.246 7.338.624
Provisión para documentos y cuentas de cobro dudoso (26.780) (27.410) (201.353)
Cuentas y documentos financieros por cobrar, netos (Nota 5) 190.912 222.976 1.435.429
Inventarios (Nota 6) 693.350 819.633 5.213.158
Gastos pagados por adelantado y otros activos corrientes (Nota 15) 333.686 363.207 2.508.917
Activo corriente total 2.674.527 3.090.091 20.109.226

Cuentas y documentos por cobrar a largo plazo e inversiones:
Cuentas y documentos por cobrar a largo plazo 14.523 18.957 109.194
Cuentas y documentos financieros por cobrar a largo plazo, netos (Nota 5) 313.058 341.492 2.353.820
Inversiones en compañías afiliadas y anticipos a las mismas (Nota 7) 132.974 132.485 999.805
Valores negociables y otras inversiones (Notas 4 y 8) 230.300 252.303 1.731.579
690.855 745.237 5.194.398

Propiedades, plantas y equipos (Nota 8):
Terrenos 175.682 175.873 1.320.917
Edificios 1.168.861 1.157.875 8.788.429
Maquinarias y equipos 2.712.073 3.046.897 20.391.526
Construcción en progreso 92.594 66.539 696.195
4.149.210 4.447.184 31.197.067
Menos – Depreciación acumulada (2.794.888) (3.007.428) (21.014.195)
1.354.322 1.439.756 10.182.872

Activos por impuestos diferidos (Nota 15) 487.524 233.391 3.665.594
Otros activos (Nota 9) 200.554 216.089 1.507.925

¥5.407.782 ¥5.724.564 $40.660.015