Hsing Weiting (nokiad_3198) Translations

5.0 3 reviews
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Over 10 years ago Male 30s
Chinese (Traditional) (Native) Japanese English
Travel Electronics
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nokiad_3198 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

"I lived in Tokyo and Osaka for a long time. They advertised this as Extra Large, which is XX or XL; not LL, which is large. I got two LL jinbeis and neither of these fit.

Extra large jinbeis are bought in a special shop; I used to buy them in Osaka because they were cheaper than in Tokyo. These were bought from a Yukata shop or something similar. These are not extra large sizes.

I had the same problem with a seller doing this on eBay and then claiming she "made a mistake" but I know Jinbeis and I know the brand names and I know that certain brands NEVER make certain sizes. I spent days aruging with her about it and I'm about to do a credit card charge back if I don't hear from eBay.



