nobeldrsd Translations

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Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
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Sticker categories will include: Suprise, TV Drama, Horror Movies, Cute Girl, MoMo and Rabbit, Prince and Princess, Mr Cool and Panda, Love Story and BFF. WeChat says MojiMe will be updated ‘constantly’ with new choices.

Expect to see the app making some waves — unlike with smaller developers, streamlined integration into WeChat’s existing 438-million-user ecosystem is a big head start.

MojiMe is available on both iOS and Android in Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, Italy and China at the time of launch.


スタンプの種類は以下の通りだ。驚き、テレビドラマ、ホラー映画、キュートな女の子、MoMoやラビット、王子様やお姫様、Mr Coolやパンダ、ラブストーリーや「いつまでも親友でいよう」的なもの。WeChatによると、MojiMeは常にアップデートされ新しいものが選べる予定だ。

このアプリが新たな風穴を開けることに期待したい。小規模な開発業者と違い、4.38億万人のユーザを抱えるWeChat のエコシステムに効率的に組込まれることで、さい先の良いスタートが切れる。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Putting customers first?

Amazon is notorious for its obsession with customers. In fact, it’s Bezos’ go-to mantra and arguably his number one rule when it comes to how the culture of Amazon should be set. Bezos is a customer-centric founder:

We have so many customers who treat us so well, and we have the right kind of culture that obsesses over the customer. If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. It certainly matters online, where word of mouth is so very, very powerful.



Amazonは顧客のことを気にかけることで有名だ。実際、Amazon の企業文化のあり方を決める際Bezos氏はそれを主力スローガンに掲げ、また間違いなくそれが最も大事な規範になっている。Bezos氏は、顧客を中心に考える創設者だ。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
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You just won’t see this kind of behavior at Alibaba. The philosophy is poles apart from Amazon’s. This is what Jack Ma had to say on this very topic at Stanford in 2011:

I believe in the internet time, there is no empire thinking. I hate the empire. Empire thinking means join me or I’ll kill you. And I don’t like that model. I believe the ecosystem. [...] I believe everybody should be helping each other, connecting each other. It’s an ecosystem. So Taobao become so big, so fast, and I worry about that. Give the industry some opportunity, give the competitors some opportunity.


そのような考え方がAlibabaには全くないことが分かる。Amazonの企業理念とは正反対である。以下、2011年Stanford大学での講演でJack Ma氏が伝えたかった内容だ。

「インターネット時代においては、大企業的な考えた方は通用しないと私は思っていますし、賛同もできません。大企業的な考えた方とは、賛同しなければ潰してやる、という考え方です。私はその考え方は好きではありません。エコシステムに共感しています。[...] 皆、お互いを助け、繋がり合うべきだと私は信じています。それがエコシステムです。だから、Taobaoはあんなに早くそれもあんなに大きくなりましたが、逆にそれが心配の種です。この業界や競合にもビジネスチャンスを提供すべきだと思っています。」

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Investors rewarded SmartNews’ steady growth. In February, it had three million downloads, 75 percent of which were monthly active users (MAU) and 38 percent of which were daily active users (DAU). By the end of September, the download number was up to five million. Hamamoto confirmed that the overall number of downloads is increasing faster than ever but MAU and DAU percentages are only slightly lower than they were in February. Therefore SmartNews should have a little less than 3.75 million MAU and 1.9 million DAU. He attributes the dip to a rise in casual (and more fickle) users that followed the early adopters.



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
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The move also suggests something pretty obvious: Xiaomi isn’t done with its global expansion plans. Barra didn’t say anything specific in his post, but it stands to reason that the highly successful company plans to keep the train rolling by further expanding into new markets, and faster international server architecture will give the company the platform it needs to do that effectively. Especially given that the company seems committed to its direct-and-limited online sales model, where phones are only available on its site during limited windows, the company will need fast and resilient servers to withstand the traffic deluge they’re likely to be met with when new phone models go on sale.


また今回の戦略からもかなりはっきりした事が見えてきた。 Xiaomiの海外展開計画はまだ完了していない。Barra氏の投稿メッセージには、具体的なことは何も記載されてなかったが、大きな成功を収めた企業は、その勢いを維持するために新しいマーケットに参入していくことは当然であり、また高速で国際化に対応したサーバーアーキテクチャを構築することで事業基盤が整い、効果的に目標を達成することが可能になる。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
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Quixey is far from the only player in deep mobile search, however. Most notably, Google has also been working on its own version of the technology. Gowrappan dismissed the global search giant as a threat.

“I would say we are about two years ahead in terms of technology and our product thinking,” Gowrappan tells Tech in Asia. “I think they are still approaching search and deep search and mobile search in an old web way.”

For now, the market remains fragmented, and because mobile deep search is still in a nascent stage, it will probably take some years before it consolidates in the same way that search engine optimization (SEO) has on the web.



「技術や製品に対する考え方に関して、我々の方が2年ほど先を進んでいると思っています。Googleは、ウェブに対して依然として古い方法で検索、詳しい検索そしてモバイル検索を行おうとしています。」とGowrappan氏はTech in Asiaに語っている。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

VL: I’d imagine in other parts of Southeast Asia it will take a mix of competitive approach, and also an M&A approach for land grabs – this is good opportunity for healthy exits for some startups. Outside of Asia, I think they’ll be able to continue an independent approach to create B2B value to allow Chinese merchants to connect with a global audience.

In which Southeast Asian market is Alibaba most likely to succeed? Least likely?

MG: It will depend upon which market segments in which local partners. There are few markets in SEA that are large enough to be stand alone and it requires significant effort. The largest single market is Indonesia and hard to ignore for a company like Alibaba.


M Lauria氏:「Alibabaは、東南アジアの他の地域では、競合する立場と地域での勢力拡大をねらいM&Aを進めていく立場を上手く組み合わせていくと思います。一部のスタートアップにとっては、撤退するのに良い機会になるでしょう。またアジア以外の地域では、引き続き単独でB2Bビジネスの基準を確立し、中国の小売業者を世界中の顧客に繋げていくでしょう。」


M Guzy氏:「地元企業が提携しているマーケットの規模にもよります。東南アジアには、規模的に単独マーケットとして成り立っているマーケットは殆どなく、また簡単に成立することもありません。インドネシアは、単独型のマーケットとしては最も規模が大きく、Alibabaの様な企業にとっては無視できないマーケットです。」