Lawnsgarden (kohashi) Translations

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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English Dutch
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kohashi English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Recruitment

Culture begins with employees, and having the CEO involved in the recruitment process is the best way to ensure that new team members are a good match for the company ethos. Entrusting the face of a company across the globe to a brand new team is serious business, and the company’s new employees as well as the brand of the company benefit greatly from having the CEO overseeing those hirings.

Being on the ground in the new office from day one means the CEO can grow the staff and identify a suitable replacement at the executive level when the office has hit a level of autonomous operation and it becomes time for the CEO to return home.





kohashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thank you Akiko Thank you for the payments. Please know that I appreciate very much but I have one more week of work to do on her. I must wait for the glue inside the head to dry. You need not pay me the $300 until next week. I will ship her out to you next THURSDAY Sept 17 . I like to send you pictures as I make make you happy and keep you informed, but she is not completely done. Everyone who sees the pictures likes her! I have many people asking for custom orders anyway...thank you again for the payments. No rush to send the last payment. You can send on Wednesday next week if you like. Becuase I ship her to you on Thursday September 17.


アキコ ありがとうございました。支払をありがとうござましした。大変感謝していますが、彼女への作業は、まだ後一週間程残っていることを知っておいてください。頭の中ののりが乾くまで、待たねばならいないです。$300は、来週まで払わなくても良いです。来週9月17日の木曜日に、彼女を出荷するつもりです。あなたを喜ばせ、ご報告するために、彼女を作成する過程で写真を送りたいのですが、彼女はまだ完全に完成している訳でありません。写真を見た全員は彼女が好きになりました。今多くの人がカスタムオーダーを希望しています。。。(笑)。いずれにしても。。。支払をありがとう。最後の支払いは急いがなくて良いです。来週水曜日に送って貰えれば大丈夫です。彼女を9月17日木曜日に出荷しますので。

kohashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

What’s your experience? For those of you who have successfully or unsuccessfully introduced agile marketing to your organization, what worked and what didn’t? I’d love to hear your stories.

Jim Ewel is an entrepreneur and a turnaround CEO. He has been blogging about agile marketing since 2011, and along with John Cass, organized SprintZero, which put together the Agile Marketing Manifesto. Jim spent 12 years at Microsoft in sales and marketing and the last 14 years as the CEO of three companies: GoAhead Software (sold to Oracle), Adometry (sold to Google), and InDemand Interpreting. You can learn more about Agile Marketing at his blog,


あなたの経験は? アジャイルマーケッティング導入に成功した方、そして失敗した方、何が旨く行き、何が旨く行かなかったですか? 是非あなたの経験談をお聞かせください。

Jim Ewel氏は、実業家で複数のCEO職を経験している。彼は2011年よりアジャイルマーケッティングをブロッグで紹介している。また彼は、John Cass氏と共にSprintZero社を創設し、アジャイルマーケッティング宣言を編纂した。Jim Ewel氏は、Microsoftの営業部門で12年間過ごし、ここ14年の間は、GoAhead Software (後日Oracleが買収)、Adometry (後日Googleが買収)、InDemand Interpretingの3社のCEOを勤めた。Jim Ewel氏により詳しい情報は、彼のブログ を参照下さい。

kohashi English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Sponsorship

Introducing “agile” into a marketing organization requires sponsorship, not just from the most senior levels of marketing, but from sales and general management, too. If they’re not committed to it, don’t do it. I once taught a class on Agile Marketing to a group, and the VP of Marketing sat in the back of the room, working on email, occasionally stepping out to attend meetings or perhaps do something else. She never participated in any of the exercises, and the only questions she asked were skeptical. Not surprisingly, agile marketing failed at that organization. I never understood why she spent the money in the first place to bring me in.


2. 導入を支援してくれるスポンサー

アジャイルをマーケッティング組織へ紹介するには、スポンサーが必要だ。スポンサーはマーケッティング部門の最も高位職だけでなく、営業部門、一般管理部門の高位職も必要だ。もしも彼らが本気でなければ、やらない方が良い。以前あるグループにアジャイルマーケッティングを教えたことがあった。マーケッティング担当副社長が部屋の後ろにいたが、メールをしたり、他の会議や、恐らく別のことをするために 会議室から時折退出した。副社長は実践練習には全く参加しなかった。そして副社長の質問は、常に懐疑的なものだった。案の定、アジャイルマーケッティングはその会社で成功しなかった。そもそもなぜこの副社長が、金を使って私を呼び寄せたのか、未だに理解できない。

kohashi English → Japanese
Original Text

Europe: The overlooked investment opportunity

In the string of bad news coming out of Europe lately, it’s easy to miss that the region has become a great opportunity for venture investors.

Lost amid stories of Greek debt and the fate of the Euro are those of startups that are creating leading cyber security, cloud, and mobile technologies; delivering solid returns; and staging strong and successful exists.

All at valuations that are far more reasonable that the United States.

It’s easy to forget that companies like Skype and Spotify got started in Europe. Or that the gross domestic product of the EU is greater than that of the United States.





