HiroHiro (hirohiro) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hirohiro English → Japanese
Original Text

Crowdfunding in Taiwan – An idea whose time has come?

Professional educator, Jonathan Woods, takes a closer look at the crowdfunding scene in Taiwan.

FlyingV is a crowdfunding platform in Taiwan that enables creative people to raise money to fund projects from individuals online. Inspired by Kickstarter and Indiegogo in the United States, the founders saw crowdfunding as an idea that could flourish in Taiwan, and launched the platform in April of 2012.

I caught up with founders Light Lin and Tim Cheng to discuss FlyingV and what to expect from crowdfunding in Taiwan.


台湾におけるクラウド・ファンディング(Crowdfunding) - まさに今の時代にピッタりの発想か?

 教育者であらせられる、Jonathan Woods氏は、台湾におけるクラウド・ファンディングの現場を目の当たりにしている。


 設立者であらせられる、Light Lin氏とTim Cheng氏と意見を交わし合い、FlyingVと、期待される台湾でのクラウド・ファンディングの今後について議論を行った。

hirohiro English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

So if you send me the payment by western union method then i will discount you $15 per piece mean's every jacket piece price will $120 include shipping fee door to door express delivery,
So then the total of all 4 piece is $480 include shipping fee door to door to express delivery,
if you follow the paypal payment method way then it will costly because paypal deduction the $6 dollar per piece so the total for paypal method 4 piece x $540 include shiping fee door to door so i think if you follow the westren union method that is better than paypal way ,

Discount for western union method is good,
I want to fully corporate with you because Our company want to work with you for a long term business releathionship,


 もし、ウェスタン・ユニオン(western union )でお支払いになられる場合は、それぞれ15ドルの値引きとなりますので、ジャケットのお値段は、それぞれ宅配便の配送料を含め120ドルとなります。このため、4つ合わせて480ドルとなります。


hirohiro English → Japanese
Original Text


This word of mouth marketing strategy is indeed a WIN-WIN situation for ALL, the companies, the marketers and the customers:

・Companies and businesses will get more customers which they will not be able to get on their own

・Word of mouth marketers get rewarded with a percentage of the sale as a thank you or referral fee

・Customers get to use a good product or service which they may not even know about on their own

Wikipedia.org provides a classic example of how referral or word of mouth marketing has helped Dropbox, a well-known company offering online storage space, skyrocket their customer base:








hirohiro English → Japanese
Original Text

“Dropbox – In 2009, Dropbox implemented a referral program to encourage their users to tell their friends about Dropbox. Their referral program had a two-sided incentive for sharing: the person who a sign up for Dropbox through a referral link gets more space than through a normal sign up, and the referrer gets additional space as well. According to Drew Houston, the Co-founder and CEO of Dropbox, at the Startup Lessons Learnt Conference on 23 April 2010, the referral program was inspired by the Paypal Sign up Bonus program. The referral program permanently increased their signups by 60%. Referrals account for roughly 35% of their daily signups (as of April 2010)”


 Dropboxは2009年に、紹介制度を導入した。これによって、ユーザはDropboxについての評判をいっそう広めることが出来るようになった。この紹介制度には、ファイル共有を促進するための、2つの誘因がある。まず、紹介リンクを通してDropboxに登録をした者には、通常の方法で登録した場合よりも多くのディスク容量を確保することが出来る。さらに、その紹介者にも同様に、追加の容量が与えられる。2010年4月23日に開催された、Startup Lessons Learnt Conferenceで、Dropboxの共同設立者でかつCEOであらせられる、Drew Houston氏が語ったところによると、その紹介制度はPayPalの登録ボーナス制度(Sign up Bonus program)からヒントを得たと言う。この紹介制度は、恒久的に登録を60%増やした。紹介アカウントは日々の登録数の約35%を占めている(2010年4月現在)。