Manda (blinblin) Translations

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About 12 years ago
English Indonesian (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
blinblin English → Indonesian ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Fluffy alpaca became stickers! They are always smile and they make you happy

Afro hair looking puppy make you feel you're in the air! Let's chat with cute and precocious puppy stickers. They make you comfortable

Let's start chatting with two bears and a rabbit! They are cute and silly so I assure they make you feel comfortable! They'll give you fluffy chatting

Cute and funny panda sticker is coming out! It cries, laughs, or goes in a daze. Please enjoy relaxing talk with this cute panda

The pair of seal and penguin became stickers! They are good friends who play and kid each other. Let's start heartwarming talk with them

Cute Hamster is going to "Trick or Treat" for you! Let's enjoy talking with this cute ghost


Alapaca berbulu halus jadi stiker ! Mereka selalu tersenyum dan membuatmu gembira

Anak anjing berambut Afro akan membuatmu melayang ! Ayo ngobrol dengan stiker anak anjing yang lucu dan sok gede. Mereka akan membuatmu nyaman

Ayo ngobrol dengan dua beruang dan kelinci ! Mereka imut dan konyol dijamin akan membuatmu senang ! Mereka akan membuat obrolan jadi menyenangkan

Stiker panda imut dan lucu telah hadir ! Dia menangis, tertawa, atau linglung. Nikmati obrolan santai dengan panda imut ini

Pasangan anjing laut dan pinguin jadi stiker ! Mereka sahabat yang bermain dan saling menjaga. Mulailah percakapan hangat dengan mereka

Hamster imut akan mengajakmu bermain "Trick or Treat" ! Nikmati obrolan dengan hantu imut ini

blinblin English → Indonesian
Original Text

***READ Additional info***
"Berenice Marlohe" Skyfall "Bond" Girl
berry juice
"Berry Slice"
Best Thing About Me Is You
Best white grapes
beverage citrus
"Beyonce De Blanco"
"Beyonce En Ropa"
"Beyonce Knowles"
"Beyonce Knowles" Blanco Y Negro
"Beyonce Knowles" Looking
"F-35" Fighters
"Bianca Rinaldi" Sexy In Red
Bicycles Photography
Bicycles Photography Bridges
Bicycles Photography Motorbikes
"Big Ben" In Field
"Big Ben" London
"Big Daddy" "Little Sister" "Bioshock" Rapture Crying
Big Leaf
Big Miracle
Big Rock
Big sandwich
Big Tree
bikini brown eyes blondes
"BioShock" "Anna DeWitt"
"Bioshock" Infinite "Elizabeth Booker Dewitt"
"Bioshock" Infinite
Bird Bath
Bird Of Paradise
Bird Of Prey Golden Eagle


***Baca Info TAMBAHAN***
"Berenice Marlohe" Gadis "Bond" Skyfall
buah-buah berry
jus buah berry
"Berry Slice"
Hal Terbaik Padaku adalah Dirimu
Buah Anggur Putih Terbaik
minuman jeruk
"Beyonce De Blanco"
"Beyonce En Ropa"
"Beyonce Knowles"
"Beyonce Knowles" Blanco Y Negro
"Beyonce Knowles" Mencari
"F-35" Fighters
"Bianca Rinaldi" Seksi dengan Merah
Fotografi Sepeda
Fotografi Sepeda Jembatan
Fotografi Sepeda Sepeda Motor
"Big Ben" Di Lapangan
"Big Ben" London
"Big Daddy" "Little Sister" "Bioshock" Tangisan Kegembiraan
Daun Besar
Keajaiban Besar
Batu Besar
Roti Lapis Besar
Pohon Besar
bikini pirang mata coklat
"BioShock" "Anna DeWitt"
"Bioshock" Tak Terbatas "Elizabeth Booker Dewitt"
"Bioshock" Tak Terbatas
Mandi Burung
Burung Surga
Burung Buas Mata Emas

blinblin English → Indonesian ★★☆☆☆ 2.7
Original Text

S&P 500 up for sixth week; fear index hits five-year low

The S&P 500 held near a four-year high on Friday, and the market's key gauge of anxiety sank to its lowest since 2007, suggesting a belief that the problems stressing investors might be closer to a resolution.

With few news headlines and light participation during summer holidays, traders are increasingly taking their cues from market technicals. The S&P 500 needs to close above 1,419.04, the index's April high, to make a new four-year high.

Trading volume, which has been meager over the past several sessions during a seasonally slow period, was at 5.3 billion shares on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.


S&P naik selama minggu keenam, fear indeks mencapai titik terendah selama lima tahun

S&P bertahan tinggi hampir selama empat-tahun pada hari Jumat, dan kunci pengukur kegelisahan pasar merosot ke titik terendah sejak 2007, menunjukkan keyakinan bahwa masalah menekankan investor mungkin lebih mendekati sebuah resolusi.

Dengan sedikit headline berita dan partisipasi ringan selama libur musim panas, trader semakin mengambil isyarat dari segi teknis pasar. S&P 500 harus mendekati lebih 1,419.04, indeks April tinggi, untuk mencapai tinggi empat-tahun tinggi yang baru.

Volume perdagangan, yang telah sedikit selama beberapa sesi terakhir selama musim slow period, adalah sebesar 5,3 miliar saham di New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange dan Nasdaq.