beanjambun Translations

ID Unverified
About 15 years ago
English Spanish Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
beanjambun English → Japanese
Original Text

Our first product is quite simple: On-demand, Personalized Travel Books. Travel books that are tuned just for you, only about the place that you're going, with local information like festivals, events, and concerts that are going on during the dates of your stay. We put in local maps that are tuned to where you'll be, and we even customize the guide based on what we learn about you, like the timezone differences from your hometown, electrical plug differences, embassies and consulates nearby, differences in tipping policies, exchange rates, local weather forecasts, and much more.



beanjambun English → Japanese
Original Text

They also began growing different kinds of lettuce. They soon had lots of local restaurants as customers. Just when they thought they had enough customers, their biggest one moved away. That's when they decided to put salads into plastic bags and sell them in supermarkets. The salad bags were a great success. Today these Earthbound Farm salad mixes are sold in nearly 75 percent of America's supermarkets.
By 1989, the Goodmans' small garden was not big enough for all the orders. So they bounght a large farm and grew more organic vegetables. But by 1995, business was so successful that they needed more farmers.



beanjambun English → Japanese
Original Text

Earthbound Farm is one of the largest organic farms in the United States. It started as a work of love for the founders Drew and Myra Goodman. The Goodmans were both raised in New York City. But as each grew older, they became more and more interested in the countryside. "I remember visiting relatives outside of New York and eating tomatoes from the farm. They tasted so delicious. It was also calm and peaceful." After finishing university in California, the couple decided to live there in a small house with a bit of land. "We fixed up the house and then grew organic berries to sell by the roadside, " Myra remembers.


アースバウンドファーム(Earthbound Farm) は、合衆国最大規模の有機農園のひとつである。ここは創業者であるグッドマン夫妻 (ドリューとマイラ) にとって、彼らの愛の結実という形で始められることになった。グッドマン夫妻は共にニューヨークシティー育ちであるが、どちらも年の経過とともに田舎にますます関心を抱くようになった。 「私はニューヨーク郊外の親戚の家に遊びに行って、そこでトマトを畑から取って食べたことを思い出すわ。とっても美味しかったの。のどかで穏やかな所だったわ。」 二人はカリフォルニア大学を出た後、わずかな土地と家を手に入れその田舎で暮らすことを決意した。 「私たちは家にに手を入れ、それから農薬を使わずにベリーを栽培し道端でそれを売ったのよ」とマイラはその当時を振り返って語った。