Creating tools for data analysis and visualization; financial and statistical applications

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$20.00 per hour
Tech & Programming / Tool Development
Russian English German
I have tools development experience in both business and scientific environments. I can create not only scripts, but also small stand-alone executables to help you solve a certain task.
I have created multiple Python/R-based tools over the recent years:
* yield curve calibration via Nelson-Siegel-Svensson and Smith-Wilson methods
* automated calibration of Extended 2-factor Black-Karasinski model
* machine-learning-based tool to analyse Reuters news (Word2Vec)
* scrapping information about videos from Youtube
* automation (replication) of excel-based processes via Python for speed and convenience
I often check my email between 9 and 20 CET.

ilia_ozornov_96's Profile

ID Unverified
About 3 years ago
Russian English German
* Master of Science in Quantitative Finance
* Fluent in Russian, English and German
* Programming experience in R, Python, SQL
* Bloomberg and Datastream user
* Experience in portfolio management, statistical modelling, data analytics and process automation