Let's improve English and Thai language skills with me.

Contact Freelancer
1,500 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Language Lessons
Thai English
- Please consider me as your partner. I can help you improving language skill in friendly environment.
- I can conduct the Thai language lesson by using English language. Hence, it is a chance for you to improve both language in a single course!
I'm usually online 10AM - 8PM (JST) everyday.

puttaranun_jinny1234's Profile

ID Verified
Over 3 years ago
Thai English
5 hours / week
I am currently an international student in Tokyo institute of Technology. In the department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering, I have practiced using the critical thinking over the global problems.
It would be my pleasure being a part of your team as
- Project manager
- Project consultant

I am fluent in using English. Please contact me for any type of jobs using English language:
- Article writing
- Proofreading
- Translating (Thai <-> English).

The price can be negotiated :)