I perform fast, accurate translations between English and Spanish

Contact Freelancer
$4.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Spanish Spanish → English
I offer to translate any document from English to Spanish, fast and with high accuracy. I guarantee that the resulting test will be easy to understand and will maintain the same meaning as in the original language (English).
I have successfully translated research paper from English to Spanish (and viceversa), as well as magazine articles.
I have also translated technical reports, blueprint descriptions and literary work.
9:00-20:00 (GMT-5), Monday-Friday.
9:00-12:00 (GMT-5), Saturday.

luisgerardocar9's Profile

ID Verified
About 5 years ago
Spanish English
Electronics Computer Software
I am a Mechatronics Engineer student at Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) in Mexico. I am bilingual (native language: Spanish, second language: English) and have resided in Canada as an Exchange student. I have experience as a translator for technical documents and literary work.