Translation from Japanese to Italian

Contact Freelancer
$35.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Japanese → Italian
Translation from Japanese to Italian
I can translate in different areas: business, marketing, IR, general documents, contracts, literature e tourism.
Since I live in Italy, I can work from 9 a.m. to 18 p.m., from Monday to Friday.
For urgent work, I can work also on Saturday and Sunday, but only if I have a adequate notification of it.

Any contact, can be done without limits of time and day.

88_francesca's Profile

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Over 6 years ago
Italian Japanese English
Business Law Medical Culture fashion Arts Comics Literature Manuals Export Industry Food/Recipe/Menu Travel
My name is Francesca and I am a freelance translator in the combination language Japanese - Italian, but I can do also translations from English to Italian, and English to Japanese as well.

I have 3 years of working experience as freelance translator and 8 years of translation experience during my studies at university.

I have a Master's Degree in Language and Civilization of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, specialized in Japanese language and culture. I get my degree with 110 and honours (first-class honours). Also, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Language and Culture of Asia, specialized in Japanese language and culture.
I have already 3 life and study experience in Japan to study and do research. The first one in 2010 for 3 months in a Japanese language school in Kyoto; the second one from September 2013 to September 2014 for 1 year at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Tokyo; and the third and last one from September 2016 to August 2017 for 1 year at Keio University in Tokyo.

From January 2015, I am working as freelance translator and now I have signed a lot of contract with translation agencies and/or private clients.

My specialization fields are: business, marketing, private/work related emails, literature, tourism. I have already done translation also in brochure, user’s manual and law fields.

In addition to translations, I offer services of transliteration, subtitling, and proofreading.

Last but not least, I am also a Japanese language teacher. From January 2015, I am a Japanese teacher at a private language school. Now, I am doing 2 courses, and from next February they will become 3.

I am responsive, responsible and reliable. When I take care of a job, I respect always deadlines. Furthermore, I always ask for client’s opinion since I want to do and to deliver the best job I can do.

My motto is simple but very memorable: “Do your best!”. So, I am acting every day to respect this motto and it makes my a person very proud and intransigent with me. I pretend always the best from me, so, every time a take care of a work, I am confident to do it in a way in which client will be satisfied of it.